laravel 搜索由 space 分隔的多个单词

laravel search multiple words separated by space

我是 laravel 查询生成器的新手,我想搜索在输入字段中输入的多个单词,例如,如果我键入 "jhon doe" 我想获取包含 jhon 或 doe[ 的任何列=14=]

我有 seen/tried 个使用 php MySQL 的解决方案,但无法适应查询构建器

//1. exploding the space between the keywords 

//2. using foreach apend the query together

$query = "select * from users where";

$keywordRaw = "jhon doe";
$keywords = explode(' ', $keywordRaw );
foreach ($keywords as $keyword){
$query.= " first_name LIKE '%" + $keyword +"%' OR ";



$keywordRaw = "jhon doe";
//how do I explode this words and append them along with their appropriate query
$users = User::select('users.*')
->where('first_name', 'LIKE', '%'.$keywordRaw.'%')



$keywordRaw = "jhon doe";
$bindArr = explode(" ", $keywordRaw);

$query = "select * from users where";    
foreach ($i = 0; $i < count($bindArr); $i++) {
    if ($i == 0) {
        $query.= ' first_name LIKE "%?%"';
    } else {        
        $query.= ' or first_name LIKE "%?%"';

$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);


   $searchQuery = "jhon doe"; 
$searchTerms = explode(" ", $searchQuery); // Split the words
$users = User::whereIn('FirstName', $searchTerms)->get();
 $keywordRaw = "jhon doe";
    $key = explode(' ',$keywordRaw);
    $users = User::select('users.*')

这会 work.the whereIn 会根据您输入的关键字搜索名字。

这就是使用 Query\Builder 的方法,但首先要注意一些:

// user can provide double space by accident, or on purpose:
$string = 'john  doe';

// so with explode you get this:
explode(' ', $string);
  0 => 'john',
  1 => '',
  2 => 'doe'

// Now if you go with LIKE '%'.value.'%', you get this:
select * from table where name like '%john%' or name like '%%' or ...

也就是说,您显然不能依赖 explode,因为在上述情况下您会获得所有行。


$string = 'john  doe';

// split on 1+ whitespace & ignore empty (eg. trailing space)
$searchValues = preg_split('/\s+/', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); 

$users = User::where(function ($q) use ($searchValues) {
  foreach ($searchValues as $value) {
    $q->orWhere('name', 'like', "%{$value}%");

where 中有闭包,因为最好将 or where 子句括在括号中。例如,如果您的 User 模型使用了 SoftDeletingScope 而您没有按照我的建议进行操作,那么您的整个查询就会一团糟。

您是否考虑过在 first_name 列上使用 FULLTEXT 索引?

您可以使用 Laravel 迁移创建此索引,尽管您需要使用 SQL 语句:

DB::statement('ALTER TABLE users ADD FULLTEXT(first_name);');

然后您可以 运行 针对此字段进行非常高级的搜索,如下所示:

$keywordRaw = "john doe";
$keywords   = explode(' ', $keywordRaw);
$users   = User::select("*")
              ->whereRaw("MATCH (first_name)
                          against (? in boolean mode)",[$keywords])

这将匹配包含单词 "john" 或 "doe" 的记录;请注意,这种方法将匹配整个单词,而不是子字符串(如果您使用 LIKE 可能会出现这种情况)。

如果你想查找包含 所有 个词的记录,你应该在每个关键字前加上一个“+”,像这样:

$keywords   = '+'.explode(' +', $keywordRaw);

您甚至可以按相关性排序,尽管这可能对您的需求来说有点过分(并且与 "all" 搜索无关)。像这样:

$users = User::select("*")
               ->selectRaw("MATCH (first_name)
                            against (? in boolean mode)
                            AS relevance",[$keywords])
               ->whereRaw("MATCH (first_name)
                           against (? in boolean mode)",[$keywords])




$keywordRaw = "jhon doe";
$users = User::where('first_name', 'LIKE', $keywordRaw.'%')
->orWhere('first_name', 'LIKE', '% '.$keywordRaw.'%')
$string = 'john  doe';

// split on 1+ whitespace & ignore empty (eg. trailing space)
$searchValues = preg_split('/\s+/', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); 

$users = User::where(function ($q) use ($searchValues) {
  foreach ($searchValues as $value) {
    $q->Where('name', 'like', "%{$value}%");

使用 'orWhere' 会得到每个关键字的结果,而不是关键字 1 + 关键字 2 的结果...所以一切都取决于您要查找的内容


解决方案 1

function fuzzySearch($keyword='jhon doe'){
   $queryText = implode('%',str_split($keyWord));
   return User::query()->where('first_name','LIKE',"%{$queryText}%")->get();

但是,当我在搜索中添加空格时,returns 为空结果,但它们存在于数据库中,所以我添加了 str_replace(" ","",$keyWord) 来删除空格,现在可以使用了

解决方案 2

function fuzzySearch($keyword='jhon doe'){
   $queryText = implode('%',str_split(str_replace(" ","",$keyWord)));
   return User::query()->where('first_name','LIKE',"%{$queryText}%")->get();

NOTE implode() 函数将关键字 jhon doe 转换为 j%h%o%n%d%o%e