
What is happening in SendAsync () in.NET3.5

所以在我的程序中,我正在使用 .NET 3.5 中的 STMPClient 构建并发送电子邮件。由于我无法控制的情况,我必须使用 .NET 3.5。我选择使用 SendAysnc() 发送电子邮件。如

SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(emailsrvr, emailport);
smtpclient.Credentials = //Credentials from server
MailMessage email = new MailMessage();

 Skipping lines
Object x;
smtpClient.SendAsync(email, x);

该方法调用 MailMessage 和对象。在 MSDN 文档示例中,他们使用字符串变量。在我的代码中,我尝试使用 CallBack 函数,该函数将日志中发送的电子邮件记录为对象,但这不是对象。当我给它任何其他东西时,例如字符串或整数变量,我可以毫无问题地发送电子邮件。



userToken: A user-defined object that is passed to the method invoked when the asynchronous operation completes


In another project I worked on, I sent HTTP request asynchronously using the WebRequest.BeginGetResponse that asked for an AsyncCallback function that I used to process the results of the GetResponse.

那是 WebRequest,它使用“Asynchronous Programming Model (APM)" (using XxxBegin( and passing in a callback or calling the XxxEnd( method). SmtpClient uses the "Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP)”(运行 一种立即 returns 并等待事件触发的方法)。

SendAsync 中的第二个参数的作用是让您知道哪个方法引发了事件,用它完成的所有操作都会传递给事件处理程序。如果您不对多个事件处理程序使用相同的方法,您可以直接将 null 传递给它,无需声明变量。


void Example()
    SmtpClient client1 = new SmtpClient(emailsrvr, emailport);
    client1.SendCompleted += OnSendCompleted;
    SmtpClient client2 = new SmtpClient(emailsrvr, emailport);
    client2.SendCompleted += OnSendCompleted;

    MailMessage message1 = //...
    MailMessage message2 = //...
    client1.SendAsync(message1, "1");
    client2.SendAsync(message2, "2");

void OnSendCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs args)
    Console.WriteLine("Message {0} sent!", args.UserState);

//Prints out:
//Message 1 sent!
//Message 2 sent!

对于你的代码,因为你没有订阅 SendCompleted 你可以传递 null。

SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(emailsrvr, emailport);
smtpclient.Credentials = //Credentials from server
MailMessage email = new MailMessage();

 Skipping lines
smtpClient.SendAsync(email, null);