进入视口时仅自动滚动嵌入 window 一次。无法向上滚动

Auto-scroll embedded window only once when entering viewport. Can't scroll back up


 $(window).on("load", function () {
    $(".embedded_scroller_image").animate({ scrollTop: $('.embedded_scroller_image')[0].scrollHeight}, 2500, "easeInOutCubic");
}); // end on load 

但是,该元素现在在页面下方太远,我希望该动画在该元素进入视口的 80% 时触发。该部分在这里的代码也可以正常工作(我正在使用滚动限制器来提高浏览器性能)

 // limit scroll call for performance
     var scrollHandling = {
      allow: true,
      reallow: function() {
        scrollHandling.allow = true;
    delay: 500 //(milliseconds) adjust to the highest acceptable value

$(window).on('scroll', function() {
  var flag = true;
    if(scrollHandling.allow) { // call scroll limit
        var inViewport = $(window).height()*0.8; // get 80% of viewport
        $('.embedded_scroller_image').each(function() { // check each embedded scroller
            var distance = $(this).offset().top - inViewport; // check when it reaches offset
            if ($(window).scrollTop() >= distance && flag === true ) {
              $(this).animate({ scrollTop: $(this)[0].scrollHeight}, 2500, "easeInOutCubic"); //animate embedded scroller
              flag = false;
      } // end scroll limit
  }); // end window scroll function


当元素在视口中占 80% 时,如何让这个动画触发,但一次后完全停止?

这也是我模拟的代码笔 http://codepen.io/jphogan/pen/PPQwZL?editors=001 如果向下滚动,您会看到图像元素在进入视口时自动滚动,但如果您尝试在其容器中向上滚动该图像, 不行。



// limit scroll call for performance
var scrollHandling = {
    allow: true,
    reallow: function() { scrollHandling.allow = true; },
    delay: 500 //(milliseconds) adjust to the highest acceptable value

$(window).on('scroll', function() {

if(scrollHandling.allow) { // call scroll limit
    var inViewport = $(window).height()*0.8; // get 80% of viewport

    $('.embedded_scroller_image').each(function() { // check each embedded scroller
        var distance = $(this).offset().top - inViewport; // check when it reaches offset

        if ($(window).scrollTop() >= distance ) {
            $(this).animate({ scrollTop: $(this)[0].scrollHeight}, 2500, "easeInOutCubic"); //animate embedded scroller
            scrollHandling.allow = false;


} // end scroll limit

}); // end window scroll function


