Mixpanel Android - 连续的 timeEvent 请求场景

Mixpanel Android - consecutive timeEvent requests scenario


我指的是关于 timeEvent 的文档:

MixpanelAPI mixpanel =
    MixpanelAPI.getInstance(context, MIXPANEL_TOKEN);

// start the timer for the event "Image Upload"
mixpanel.timeEvent("Image Upload");

// stop the timer if the imageUpload() method returns true
    mixpanel.track("Image Upload");


Begin timing of an event. Calling timeEvent("Thing") will not send an event, but when you eventually call track("Thing"), your tracked event will be sent with a "$duration" property, representing the number of seconds between your calls.


看起来 imageUpload() 将 return 一个布尔值。如果它是 true 那么 Mixpanel 将跟踪此事件并指定 duration 属性..

但是,它没有说明如果 imageUpload() returns false 会发生什么。如果我连续两次调用这个 uploadImage() 方法和第一个returns false 和下面的 returns true?这会扰乱事件跟踪吗?


// first upload
mixpanel.timeEvent("Image Upload");
// first upload failed

// second upload
mixpanel.timeEvent("Image Upload");
// second upload succeeded
mixpanel.track("Image Upload");

第二个 timeEvent 会覆盖第一个吗?

查看GitHub(here)上的源代码后,很明显如果第一次上传没有调用track("Image Upload"),那么第二次timeEvent("Image Upload")将覆盖第一个时间,仅跟踪第二个事件。