如何根据每个元素的特征对 ruby 数组中的项目进行分组?

How can I group items in a ruby array based on characteristics of each element?


VOWELS = ["a","e","i","o","u"]

letters = "compared".split("")
   # => ["c", "o", "m", "p", "a", "r", "e", "d"] 

word_structure = letters.map { |letter| VOWELS.include?(letter) ? "v" : "c" }
   # => ["c", "v", "c", "c", "v", "c", "v", "c"]


  1. 将 "letters" 数组中具有相同 "word_structure" 的相邻字母分组。
  2. 将这些组和 return 每个可能的 VCV 组合作为另一个数组。 V代表一组所有相邻的元音,C代表一组所有相邻的辅音。


 groups = ["c", "o", "mp", "a", "r", "e", "d"]

 vcv_groups = ["-co", "ompa", "are", "ed-"]

在此示例中,第一个 VCV 组以“-”开头,因为没有第一组元音。接下来的两组完全符合模式,最后一组有另一个“-”,因为没有最后的元音来完成模式。

我尝试过 Enumerable#chunk、Enumerable#partition 和 Enumerable#slice_before,但它们都让我感到困惑。如果有人了解实现此目的的简单方法,我将不胜感激。

.each_slice(2).map{|(v1, c, v2), _| v2 ||= "-"; [v1, c, v2].join}


VOWELS = 'aeiou'

R = /
    (?=                # begin positive look-ahead
      (                # begin capture group 1
        (?:            # begin a non-capture group   
          [#{VOWELS}]+ # match one or more vowels
          |            # or
          \A           # match the beginning of the string
        )              # end non-capture group
        [^#{VOWELS}]+  # match one or more consonants
        (?:            # begin a non-capture group
          [#{VOWELS}]+ # match one or more vowels
          |            # or
          \z           # match end of string
        )              # end non-capture group
      )                # end capture group 1
    )                  # end positive lookahead
    /x                 # extended mode

 def extract(str)
   arr = str.scan(R).flatten
   arr[0].insert(0, '-') unless VOWELS.include?(arr[0][0])
   arr[-1] << '-' unless VOWELS.include?(arr[-1][-1])

 extract 'compare'    #=> ["-co", "ompa", "are"] 
 extract 'compared'   #=> ["-co", "ompa", "are", "ed-"] 
 extract 'avacados'   #=> ["ava", "aca", "ado", "os-"] 
 extract 'zzz'        #=> ["-zzz-"] 
 extract 'compaaared' #=> ["-co", "ompaaa", "aaare", "aare", "are", "ed-"]