
Email line breaks not working


我参考了很多例子,比如"Adding multiple lines to body of SMTP email VB.NET".


  1. StringBuilder.AppendLine

    Dim sb As New StringBuilder
    sb.AppendLine("For security purposes, only the password will be provided within this email.")
    sb.AppendLine("Thank you and have a wonderful day.")
  2. System.Environment.NewLine

    strbody = strbody & "Thank you and have a wonderful day. " & System.Environment.NewLine
    strbody = strbody & "Password: " & Dsa.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(2) & System.Environment.NewLine & System.Environment.NewLine
  3. vbNewLine

    strbody = strbody & "Thank you and have a wonderful day. " &  vbNewLine
  4. vbCrLf

    strbody = strbody & "Thank you and have a wonderful day. " & vbCrLf
  5. Environment.NewLine

    strbody = strbody & "Thank you and have a wonderful day. " & Environment.NewLine



Dim strbody As String


    Dim strTo As String

     strbody = ""
    strbody = strbody & "Thank you for contacting us to gain account access. " & vbNewLine
    strbody = strbody & "You requested your password for the Applicaton registration site. " & vbNewLine
    strbody = strbody & "For security purposes, only the password will be provided within this email. " & vbNewLine
    strbody = strbody & "Thank you and have a wonderful day. " & vbNewLine
    strbody = strbody & "Password: " & Dsa.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(2) & System.Environment.NewLine & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
    strbody = strbody & "If you didn't request your password, please notify from@location.com of your concern "

    strTo = Dsa.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(1)
    Dim msg As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage("from@we-location.com", strTo, "Retrive Your Password", strbody)

    Dim smtp As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient

    msg.IsBodyHtml = True
    smtp.Host = "mailhost.location.com"

Catch ex As Exception

End Try


msg.IsBodyHtml = True

由于您要发送 HTML 电子邮件,因此您必须使用 HTML 标记来创建换行符。

strbody = strbody & "Thank you for contacting us to gain account access. <br><br>"

您正在使用 html 模板吗?


strbody = strbody & "Thank you and have a wonderful day. <br>" 


strbody = strbody & "Thank you and have a wonderful day. \n"