gnuplot error:"Tic label does not evaluate as string!" in bar chart

gnuplot error:"Tic label does not evaluate as string!" in bar chart

我正在研究 Gnuplot 4.6 补丁 4。 我想用调色板创建条形图。我已关注 this 但我收到错误消息:

Tic label does not evaluate as string!

是的,与我上面提到的参考不同的是xtics。我的图形在 xtics 中使用字符串。


off 100.0
gpl 60.0
docs    99
vim 9.4
box 95
goo 60
ama 99.9
eba 99.98


set term pos eps font 20
set style data histogram
set style histogram rowstacked
set boxwidth 0.75
set format y "%.0f%%"
set style fill solid border -1

set xtics font "Times-Roman, 15" rotate by 45 right
#set xtics center offset 0,-1
set ytics font "Times-Roman, 15" 

set palette defined ( 0 "#FFFFFF",\
                      1 "#FFCCCC",\
                      2 "#FF9999 ",\
                      3 "#FF6666",\
                      4 "#FF3333",\
                      5 "#FF0000",\
                      6 "#CC0000",\
                      7 "#C00000",\
                      8 "#B00000",\
                      9 "#990000",\
                      10 "#A00000")

set ylabel "Percentages"
#set xlabel "Services"
set yrange [70:100]
set output 'a2.eps'
plot 'a2.dat' \
    using ():xtic(1):(<=10 ? 0 : <=20 ? 1 : 2) t '' with boxes palette


xtic 标签部分应该始终是 using 语句中的最后一部分。此外,当使用 boxes 绘图样式时,您必须指定 x、y 和颜色值:

plot 'a2.dat' \
    using 0:2:(<=10 ? 0 : <=20 ? 1 : 2):xtic(1) t '' with boxes palette

请注意,with boxes 会覆盖您之前设置的 histogram 样式。此外,调色板中给出的值不是绝对值,但这些颜色值会按比例缩放以适应 [0:2] 的有效颜色范围。