
how to SELECT and Concat() column values based on several conditions SQL query?

这里是 SQL 的新手。所以我有两个表,我们以下面两个表为例


set_num   s_id   s_val
100        3      AA 
100        5      BB
200        3      AA
200        9      CC

Table B

s_id    s_val    phrase        seq 
1        DD      'hi'         'first'
3        AA      'hello'      'first'
6        EE      'goodnight'  'first'
5        BB      'world'      'second'
9        CC      'there'      'second'
4        FF      'bye'        'first'

我想在两列上加入 Table A 和 Table B,就像一个复合键(s_id、s_val),我想 return set_num 来自 Table A 和 Table B 中的短语串联(我们称之为 entire_phrase, concat(...) AS entire_phrase). 连接还应遵循短语连接的顺序。这将由每个短语的 Table B 中的 seq 列确定。 "First" 表示该短语需要排在第一位,而 "Second" 则表示其次。我想使用 SELECT 查询来执行此操作,但不确定在不变得复杂的情况下是否可行。我可以在 SELECT 中执行此操作还是需要另一种方法?


set_num    entire_phrase
100        'hello world'
200        'hello there'


set_num    entire_phrase
100        'world hello'
200        'there hello'

任何 help/approach 将不胜感激!


select temp1.set_num, concat(phrase1,' ',phrase2) as entire_phrase
from (
select set_num, b.phrase as phrase1
from TableA as A
join TableB as B
on a.s_id = b.s_id 
and a.s_val = b.s_val 
and b.seq = 'first'
) as temp1
select set_num, b.phrase as phrase2 
from TableA as A
join TableB as B
on a.s_id = b.s_id 
and a.s_val = b.s_val 
and b.seq = 'second' 
) as temp2
on temp1.set_num = temp2.set_num

运行 这里:http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/d63ac3/1