从 OPC .NET 服务器返回的 ObjectAttributes 实例错误地将 IsCollectingHistory 属性 标识为 false

ObjectAttributes instance returned from the OPC .NET server is incorrectly identifying the IsCollectingHistory property as false

我正在使用 Xi 接口从 OPC .NET 服务器检索数据。我遇到的问题是服务器似乎错误地将参数识别为未被历史化。

尽管DeltaV的所有信息都表明从服务器返回的ObjectAttributes对象的相应参数应该表明它正在收集历史记录,但IsCollectingHistory 属性实际上表明它是错误的。





FindCriteria criteria = createCriteria(path, false);
List<Parameter> parameters = new List<Parameter>();
IEnumerable<ObjectAttributes> enumerableObject;
int i = 0;
    enumerableObject = iContext.FindObjects(criteria, 50); 
catch (System.ServiceModel.FaultException)
    //This error is thrown when no data is returned.
    return null;

几行之后,我对我的 Parameter 对象进行了一些对象初始化,为它分配了从服务器接收到的对象的属性。它没有在下面显示,但如果它正在被历史化,我然后将我的参数对象添加到集合中。它永远不会添加到集合中,因为 IsCollectingHistory 属性 始终为 false。

enumerableObject = enumerableObject.Skip(1);
foreach (ObjectAttributes oa in enumerableObject)
    Parameter _parameter = new Parameter
        IsHistorized = oa.IsCollectingHistory,
        IsLeaf = oa.IsLeaf



尝试 MotteAndBailey 的回答后,在调用 AddNewDataObjectToDataJournalList 时抛出错误。与之关联的消息是 "The OPC HDA Create Browse failed"。




Xi 服务器封装了 OPCDA 和 OPCHDA 服务器。每个服务器上可用的项目属性(属性)以及使用经典 (DCOM) OPC 访问它们的方式有很大差异。


OPCDA 服务器提供了一种确定项目属性的方法: IOPCItemProperties::GetItemProperties()

此调用为客户端提供了一种使用项目 ID(服务器地址 space 中项目的字符串路径)和 属性ID 读取所有项目属性值的方法。 Xi 服务器在执行 FindObjects() 调用时使用此调用。 FindObjects() returns OPCDA 服务器公开的项目的所有属性。


OPCHDA 服务器有确定项目属性的方法,但它需要项目句柄而不是 ItemID/path:

因此,FindObjects() 仅通过 Xi returns 项目 ID 属性 调用 OPCHDA 服务器。其他属性设置为默认值。要确定其他属性的实际值是什么,用户必须将项目添加到列表中并在他们希望看到的特定 属性 上调用 ReadAttribute()。

总而言之,OPCDA 服务器的工作方式与您预期的非常相似,returns 对象属性在单个方法调用中;然而,OPCHDA 服务器需要额外的步骤来获取所有对象属性。

示例代码将生成仅包含扫描历史记录项的 Xi Journal 列表。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using Xi.Client.Base.API;
using Xi.Client.Base;
using Xi.Contracts;
using Xi.Contracts.Data;
using Xi.Contracts.Constants;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using Xi.Client.CommonDialogs;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace ConsoleFindObjectsHDA
    public class DotNetSupport
        IXiEndpointDiscovery iEndpointDiscovery;
        IXiContext iContext;
        IXiEndpointBase readEndpoint;

        ServiceEndpoint RMSvcEndpt;

        //the list of items the user is trying to read
        IXiDataJournalList iDataJournalList;

        public void GetSomeData()
            //get a connection to an OPC.NET server
            if (Connect())
                //we have to have a list to add a tag to and hold returned datasets
                if (CreateJournalList())
                    //now use the list to add items and read their attributes - only "good" ones will be left on the list

                    if (iDataJournalList.Count() > 0)
                        //at this point we <should> have a DataJournalList containing only the HDA items on scan
                        //we can use the normal data read methods to get history for the items if we wish

                        //  <do some history thing here>
                        Console.WriteLine("\nThere were no points on-scan in the historian");

                    Console.WriteLine("\nPress <return> to exit program");

                ////clean up if we have open connections/contexts


        //we will use FindObjects to browse all the leaves in the HDA server, then add them one-by-one to a datalist
        //when we query their on-scan property and it is true we leave them on the list
        //...if not, we remove them (giving us a list of the good HDA points)
        void ListAllHDAItemsOnScan()
            FindCriteria criteria = GetLeafCriteria(); 
            IEnumerable<ObjectAttributes> enumerableObject;

                //ask the server for a list of leaves...up to 50 max returned in this call
                enumerableObject = iContext.FindObjects(criteria, 50);

                //for each string itemID: add it to the list, read the attribute, and remove it from the list if not on-scan
                foreach (ObjectAttributes oa in enumerableObject)
                    //we do not have to commit this because we have indicated the operation is NOT prep-only
                    Console.WriteLine("Adding OPCHDA item {0}.", oa.InstanceId.LocalId);
                    IXiHistoricalDataObject ixObject = iDataJournalList.AddNewDataObjectToDataJournalList(oa.InstanceId, false);   

                    //we are getting the CURRENT (from NOW -to- NOW) item status
                    FilterCriterion fc1 = GetFilterCriteriaDateTime(DateTime.Now); 

                    //tell the server what property (attribute) we want to read
                    List<TypeId> lstp = new List<TypeId>();
                    TypeId typeit = new TypeId("", "", DVServerAttributes.DELTAV_DVCH_ON_SCAN.ToString());

                    //read the property from the server
                    iDataJournalList.ReadJournalDataProperties(fc1, fc1, ixObject, lstp);

                    //find the current item and check it for "on-scan"
                    if (ixObject != null)
                        if (ixObject.PropertyValues.First().PropertyValues.UintValues.First() == 1)
                            Console.WriteLine("OPCHDA item {0} is on-scan.\n", oa.InstanceId.LocalId);
                            if (ixObject.PrepForRemove())
                                Console.WriteLine("OPCHDA item {0} is not on-scan. Removing item.\n", oa.InstanceId.LocalId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception in FindObjects(). The exception is:{0}\n", ex.Message);


        //create a filtercriterion for a specific date time - this is an EQUAL (not > or <) comparison operator
        public FilterCriterion GetFilterCriteriaDateTime(DateTime dtChosenTime)
            //simple timestamp filter which is used by the read call
            FilterCriterion filterCriterion = null;

            // this is a timestamp
            string filterOperand = FilterOperandNames.Timestamp;

            //make the given time with UTC/Local set to local time just to be sure
            DateTime dtTmp1 = DateTime.SpecifyKind(dtChosenTime, DateTimeKind.Local);
            object comparisonValue = dtTmp1;

            //timestamp equal to this one 
            uint oper = FilterOperator.Equal;

            //create the filter
            filterCriterion = new FilterCriterion()
                OperandName = filterOperand,
                Operator = oper,
                ComparisonValue = comparisonValue,

            return filterCriterion;

        //create a filtercriterion for leaves (OPCHDA items)
        public FilterCriterion GetLeafFilterCriterion()
            //simple filter for leaves 
            FilterCriterion filterCriterion = null;

            // what this criterion applies to
            string filterOperand = FilterOperandNames.BranchOrLeaf;

            //Must equal "LEAF" to match
            uint oper = FilterOperator.Equal;

            //create the filter
            filterCriterion = new FilterCriterion()
                OperandName = filterOperand,
                Operator = oper,
                ComparisonValue = "LEAF",

            return filterCriterion;

        //set up the FindCriteria search of the server  
        public FindCriteria GetLeafCriteria()
            FindCriteria findCriteria = null;
            findCriteria = new FindCriteria();

            //our browse starts at the root - NULL means "continue browsing from where you are"
            findCriteria.StartingPath = new ObjectPath("//", "HDA");

            //a list of OR-ed filter criteria (we have only one)
            ORedFilters orthefilters = new ORedFilters();

            //the FilterCriteria list (there is only one criterion)
            orthefilters.FilterCriteria = new List<FilterCriterion>();
            orthefilters.FilterCriteria.Add(GetLeafFilterCriterion());  //we want leaves

            //add our OR-ed filter to the filterset filters list (whew!)
            findCriteria.FilterSet = new FilterSet();
            findCriteria.FilterSet.Filters = new List<ORedFilters>();

            return findCriteria;

        //connect to the OPC.NET server and get a read endpoint
        public bool Connect()
            //set this to point to your OPC.Net server
            string serverUrl = "http://localhost:58080/XiServices/ServerDiscovery";

            bool bReturnVal = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Getting Endpoint Discovery from server:\n{0}\n", serverUrl);

                //This class is used to locate a server and obtain its list of ServiceEndpoints.
                iEndpointDiscovery = new XiEndpointDiscovery(serverUrl) as IXiEndpointDiscovery;

                //we have the server...now check for endpoints
                //there should always be TCP endpoints for a DeltaV OPC.NET server so we do not search HTTP and Named Pipes to find one
                //and we do not consider choosing the fastest option between the three (TCP/HTTP/NamedPipes). We just use the TCP/IP one.

                // GetServiceEndpointsByBinding searches the list of endpoints on the XiEndpointDiscovery connection with the specified contractType and binding type.
                // We use the ResourceManagement endpoint to find the the other open endpoints on the server (some might be disabled)
                IEnumerable<ServiceEndpoint> resourceEndpoints = iEndpointDiscovery.GetServiceEndpointsByBinding(typeof(IResourceManagement).Name, typeof(System.ServiceModel.NetTcpBinding));

                //use the first (probably only) resource endpoint for TCP/IP to open a context between client and server
                if ((resourceEndpoints != null) && (resourceEndpoints.Count() > 0))

                    var serviceEndpoints = resourceEndpoints as IList<ServiceEndpoint> ?? resourceEndpoints.ToList();

                    //pick the first RM endpoint we found
                    RMSvcEndpt = ((IList<ServiceEndpoint>)serviceEndpoints).First();

                    //Open the Context using the RM endpoint and some other values including timeout, what we want to read (HDA), and the GUID for this context
                    Console.WriteLine("Opening Client Context with Initiate\n");
                    iContext = XiContext.Initiate(RMSvcEndpt,
                                                        (uint)ContextOptions.EnableJournalDataAccess,   //HDA

                    if (iContext != null)

                        //find a read endpoint using the XiEndpointDiscovery connection
                        IEnumerable<ServiceEndpoint> readseps = iEndpointDiscovery.GetServiceEndpointsByBinding(typeof(IRead).Name, RMSvcEndpt.Binding.GetType());

                        //if we found at least one read endpoint, connect the context to it
                        readEndpoint = null;
                        if (readseps != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("Adding Read endpoint to Context\n");
                            ServiceEndpoint sep = readseps.ElementAt<ServiceEndpoint>(0);
                            readEndpoint = iContext.OpenEndpoint(sep, 30000, new TimeSpan(5000));

                            if (readEndpoint != null)
                                bReturnVal = true;        //everything went OK
                                Console.WriteLine("Unable to add Read endpoint to Context\n");
                                bReturnVal = false;        //failed

                        Console.WriteLine("Unable to open Client Context\n");
                        bReturnVal = false;

            catch (Exception)
                bReturnVal = false;

            return (bReturnVal);

        public bool CreateJournalList()
            bool retval = false;

                //create a new list of HDA objects for this read
                //                                             update  buffer  
                //                                             rate    rate   filterset(not used here)
                iDataJournalList = iContext.NewDataJournalList(1000,   1000,  null);

                if (iDataJournalList != null)
                    //we need to add the list to a read endpoint to give it data access

                    //enable the list so we can connect the items we add to it and read data

                    retval = true;
            catch (Exception)
                retval = false;

            return retval;

        public void Cleanup()
            if (iContext != null)


    } //class DotNetSupport

namespace ConsoleFindObjectsHDA
    public class DVServerAttributes
        //some DeltaV-specific OPCHDA attributes
        public static uint DELTAV_DESC               = 2147483650;
        public static uint DELTAV_ENG_UNITS          = 2147483651;
        public static uint DELTAV_EU100              = 2147483666;
        public static uint DELTAV_EU0                = 2147483667;
        public static uint DELTAV_DVCH_LAST_DOWNLOAD = 2147483682;
        public static uint DELTAV_DVCH_ON_SCAN       = 2147483683;
        public static uint DELTAV_NAMED_SET          = 2147483698;