
Touch Move event don't fire after Touch Start target is removed


这适用于鼠标事件,但不适用于触摸事件。在删除 Touch Start 目标元素后,它们不会触发。我尝试使用 Pointer Events Polyfill 但它也不起作用。

我正在使用 Chrome 开发工具来模拟触摸事件。查看示例:

initTestBlock('mouse', {
  start: 'mousedown',
  move: 'mousemove',
  end: 'mouseup'
initTestBlock('touch', {
  start: 'touchstart',
  move: 'touchmove',
  end: 'touchend'
initTestBlock('touch-no-remove', {
  start: 'touchstart',
  move: 'touchmove',
  end: 'touchend'
}, true);

function initTestBlock(id, events, noRemove) {
  var block = document.getElementById(id);
  var parent = block.querySelector('.parent');
  var target = block.querySelector('.target');
  target.addEventListener(events.start, function(e) {
    if (!noRemove) {
      setTimeout(function() {
        // Remove target
      }, 1000);

    function onMove(e) {
      var pt = getCoords(e);
      parent.style.left = pt.x + 'px';
      parent.style.top = pt.y + 'px';

    function onEnd(e) {
      window.removeEventListener(events.move, onMove);
      window.removeEventListener(events.end, onEnd);

    window.addEventListener(events.move, onMove);
    window.addEventListener(events.end, onEnd);


// Returns pointer coordinates
function getCoords(e) {
  if (e instanceof TouchEvent) {
    return {
      x: e.touches[0].pageX,
      y: e.touches[0].pageY
  return {
    x: e.pageX,
    y: e.pageY

window.addEventListener('selectstart', function() {
  return false;
}, true);
.parent {
  background: darkred;
  color: white;
  width: 10em;
  height: 10em;
  position: absolute;
.target {
  background: orange;
  width: 4em;
  height: 4em;
#mouse .parent {
  left: 0em;
#touch .parent {
  left: 11em;
#touch-no-remove .parent {
  left: 22em;
<div id="mouse">
  <div class="parent">Mouse events
    <div class="target">Drag here</div>
<div id="touch">
  <div class="parent">Touch events
    <div class="target">Drag here</div>
<div id="touch-no-remove">
  <div class="parent">Touch (no remove)
    <div class="target">Drag here</div>

诀窍是在触摸移动完成之前隐藏元素,而不是将其移除。 这是一些示例(在 Chrome 开发工具和 select 某些设备中启用触摸模式或使用真实设备): https://jsfiddle.net/alexanderby/na3rumjg/

var marker = document.querySelector('circle');
var onStart = function(startEvt) {
  startEvt.preventDefault(); // Prevent scroll
  marker.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // Hide target element
  var rect = document.querySelector('rect');
  var initial = {
    x: +rect.getAttribute('x'),
    y: +rect.getAttribute('y')
  var onMove = function(moveEvt) {
    rect.setAttribute('x', initial.x + moveEvt.touches[0].clientX - startEvt.touches[0].clientX);
    rect.setAttribute('y', initial.y + moveEvt.touches[0].clientY - startEvt.touches[0].clientY);
  var onEnd = function(endEvt) {
    window.removeEventListener('touchmove', onMove);
    window.removeEventListener('touchend', onEnd);
    marker.removeEventListener('touchstart', onStart);
    marker.parentElement.removeChild(marker); // Remove target element
  window.addEventListener('touchmove', onMove);
  window.addEventListener('touchend', onEnd);
marker.addEventListener('touchstart', onStart);
  <circle r="20" cx="50" cy="20" cursor="move"/>
  <rect x="10" y="50" width="80" height="80" />

确实,according to the docs

If the target element is removed from the document, events will still be targeted at it, and hence won't necessarily bubble up to the window or document anymore. If there is any risk of an element being removed while it is being touched, the best practice is to attach the touch listeners directly to the target.

事实证明,解决方案是将 touchmovetouchend 监听器附加到 event.target 本身,例如:

element.addEventListener("touchstart", (event) => {
    const onTouchMove = () => {
        // handle touchmove here
    const onTouchEnd = () => {
        event.target.removeEventListener("touchmove", onTouchMove);
        event.target.removeEventListener("touchend", onTouchEnd);
        // handle touchend here
    event.target.addEventListener("touchmove", onTouchMove);
    event.target.addEventListener("touchend", onTouchEnd);
    // handle touchstart here

即使从 DOM 中删除 event.target 元素,事件仍将继续正常触发并提供正确的坐标。