N4140 中 §8.2[dcl.ambig.res]/2 中的注释
Note in §8.2[dcl.ambig.res]/2 in N4140
在 §8.2[dcl.ambig.res]/2 中我们有以下注释(重点是我的):
[ Note: A declaration can be explicitly disambiguated by a
nonfunction-style cast, by an = to indicate initialization or by
removing the redundant parentheses around the parameter name. —end note ]
#include <iostream>
struct S{ int i; S(int j) : i(j) {} };
float f = 1.0f;
S s(int(f)); // function declaration
int main()
std::cout << s.i << '\n';
代码无法编译,因为编译器将声明 S s(int(f));
视为函数声明。但是如果我们确实在参数名称 f
周围插入括号,如 S s((int(f)));
代码编译并打印 1.
我不得不同意 Simple 的评论,它告诉你参数名称周围的括号是多余的。 defect report 340: Unclear wording in disambiguation section 已作为非缺陷关闭,并给出了以下示例:
struct Point
struct Lattice
Lattice(Point, Point, int){}
int main(void)
int a, b;
Lattice latt(Point(a), Point(b), 3); /* Line X */
The declaration of latt declares a function with a return value of the
type Lattice and taking three arguments. The type of the first two
arguments is Point and each of these arguments is followed by a
parameter name in redundant parentheses. The type of the third
argument can not be determined, because it is a literal. This will
result in a syntax error.
我同意Belloc的观点。注释本可以用以下更改(粗体)来编写,以赋予它更准确的含义,在这种情况下,单词 remove
对象 声明可以通过非函数式强制转换、= 指示初始化或通过 删除 在参数名称两边插入 多余的括号。 —尾注
在 §8.2[dcl.ambig.res]/2 中我们有以下注释(重点是我的):
[ Note: A declaration can be explicitly disambiguated by a nonfunction-style cast, by an = to indicate initialization or by removing the redundant parentheses around the parameter name. —end note ]
#include <iostream>
struct S{ int i; S(int j) : i(j) {} };
float f = 1.0f;
S s(int(f)); // function declaration
int main()
std::cout << s.i << '\n';
代码无法编译,因为编译器将声明 S s(int(f));
视为函数声明。但是如果我们确实在参数名称 f
周围插入括号,如 S s((int(f)));
代码编译并打印 1.
我不得不同意 Simple 的评论,它告诉你参数名称周围的括号是多余的。 defect report 340: Unclear wording in disambiguation section 已作为非缺陷关闭,并给出了以下示例:
加强了这一点 struct Point
struct Lattice
Lattice(Point, Point, int){}
int main(void)
int a, b;
Lattice latt(Point(a), Point(b), 3); /* Line X */
The declaration of latt declares a function with a return value of the type Lattice and taking three arguments. The type of the first two arguments is Point and each of these arguments is followed by a parameter name in redundant parentheses. The type of the third argument can not be determined, because it is a literal. This will result in a syntax error.
我同意Belloc的观点。注释本可以用以下更改(粗体)来编写,以赋予它更准确的含义,在这种情况下,单词 remove
对象 声明可以通过非函数式强制转换、= 指示初始化或通过 删除 在参数名称两边插入 多余的括号。 —尾注