什么时候关闭 MySQLdb 中的游标?

When to close a cursor in MySQLdb?

我有一个运行循环的程序,每次迭代运行一个 sql 查询。我目前将其实施为。

mysql_connection = MySQLdb.connect(...)
for record in records:
  cursor = mysql_connection.cursor()
  result = None
  for r in cursor:
       result = r
  #Do something with result


我已经在索引列上进行了搜索查询,因此 mysql 方面的改进范围较小。

最好一次性创建游标。另请注意,您在循环中执行 return,因此您似乎只调用了一次 cursor.execute

尝试将 c.arraysize 设置为对您的用例有意义的值(其中 c 是光标),并将光标置于循环之外。查看此页面:http://mysql-python.sourceforge.net/MySQLdb.html#cursor-objects

If you wanted more rows, you could use c.fetchmany(n) or c.fetchall(). These do exactly what you think they do. On c.fetchmany(n), the n is optional and defaults to c.arraysize, which is normally 1. Both of these methods return a sequence of rows, or an empty sequence if there are no more rows. If you use a weird cursor class, the rows themselves might not be tuples.