
How to reduce cyclomatic complexityfor a method returning the name of the month?

通过计算决策(独立路径)有一个metrics plugin in eclipse that measures cyclomatic complexity,具体来说:

 (if, for, while, do, case, catch and the ?: ternary operator, as well as the && and || conditional logic operators in expressions)

例如,这是一个得分为 14 的方法。(1 + 每个决策路径)

  String getMonthName (int month) {
        switch (month) {
                case 0: return "January";
                case 1: return "February";
                case 2: return "March";
                case 3: return "April";
                case 4: return "May";
                case 5: return "June";
                case 6: return "July";
                case 7: return "August";
                case 8: return "September";
                case 9: return "October";
                case 10: return "November";
                case 11: return "December";
                default: throw new IllegalArgumentException();

我想知道是否有一种方法可以在没有 java 中提到的分支的情况下做出决定,这会破坏评估。基本上,我想做出不同的决定,而无需插件检测到它们。这些指标将显示比实际更低的圈复杂度(独立 paths/decisions)。



static final String[] MONTHS = {"January", "February", ... };
static String getMonthName(int month) {
    if (month < 0 || month >= MONTHS.length) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Month %d doesn't exist", month));
    return MONTHS[month];


static final String[] MONTHS = {"January", "February", ... };
static String getMonthName(int month) {
    checkBoundaries(month, 0, MONTHS.length - 1, String.format("Month %d doesn't exist", month));
    return MONTHS[month];
static void checkBoundaries(int n, int lowerBound, int upperBound, String errorMessage) {
    if (n < lowerBound || n > upperBound) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage);