将包含嵌入列表的 JSON 解析为扁平化 data.frame,忽略不需要的键

parse JSON containing embedded lists into flattened data.frame, ignoring unwanted key

一位同事向我发送了一个 Elasticsearch 查询结果(100000 条记录,数百个属性),如下所示:

pets_json <- paste0('[{"animal":"cat","attributes":{"intelligence":"medium","noises":[{"noise":"meow","code":4},{"noise":"hiss","code":2}]}},',


我想制作一个 data.frame 看起来像:

animal  intelligence  noises.bark noises.hiss noises.meow   
   cat        medium            0           1           1 
   dog          high            1           0           0
 snake           low            0           1           0

我可以阅读 json,但 flatten=TRUE 没有完全变平:

str(df <- fromJSON(txt=pets_json, flatten=TRUE))
# 'data.frame': 3 obs. of  3 variables:
#   $ animal                 : chr  "cat" "dog" "snake"
# $ attributes.intelligence: chr  "medium" "high" "low"
# $ attributes.noises      :List of 3
# ..$ :'data.frame':    2 obs. of  2 variables: \
#   .. ..$ noise   : chr  "meow" "hiss"         \
# .. ..$ code: int  4 2                          |
# ..$ :List of 2                                 |
# .. ..$ noise   : chr "bark"                    |- need to remove code and flatten    
# .. ..$ code: int 1                             |
# ..$ :List of 2                                 |
# .. ..$ noise   : chr "hiss"                   /
# .. ..$ code: int 2                           /

因为扁平化不完整,我可以使用这个中间阶段在调用另一个 flatten() 之前摆脱不需要的键 code,但我知道摆脱键的唯一方法是真的:

for( l in which(sapply(df, is.list)) ){
  for( l2 in which(sapply(df[[l]], is.list))){
    df[[l]][[l2]]['code'] <- NULL
( df <- data.frame(flatten(df)) )
#   animal attributes.intelligence attributes.noises
# 1    cat                  medium        meow, hiss
# 2    dog                    high              bark
# 3  snake                     low              hiss

然后……?我知道使用 tidyr::separate 我可能会想出一个 hacky 方法来 spread 将噪音值放入列中并设置标志。但这一次只适用于一个属性,我可能有数百个这样的属性。我事先并不知道所有可能的属性值。

我怎样才能有效地生产出想要的 data.frame?感谢您的宝贵时间!


out <- fromJSON(pets_json)

# drop the "code" data and do some initial cleaning
out$noises <- lapply(
  function(x) unlist(x[-match("code",names(x))]) 

# extract the key part of the intelligence variable
out$intelligence <- out$attributes$intelligence

# set up a vector of all possible noises
unq_noises <- unique(unlist(out$noises)) 

# make the new separate noise variables
out[unq_noises] <- t(vapply(
  function(x) unq_noises %in% x,

# clean up no longer needed variables
out[c("attributes","noises")] <- list(NULL)


#  animal intelligence  meow  hiss  bark
#1    cat       medium  TRUE  TRUE FALSE
#2    dog         high FALSE FALSE  TRUE
#3  snake          low FALSE  TRUE FALSE

带有 magrittr 和 data.table


这是另一个结合 magrittrdata.table 的提议,以获得额外的时代精神布朗尼分数:

# Do not simplify to data.frame
str(df <- fromJSON(txt=pets_json, simplifyDataFrame=F))

# The %<>% operator create a pipe and assigns back to the variable
df %<>% 
  lapply(. %>%
    data.table(animal = .$animal, 
               intelligence = .$attributes$intelligence, 
               noises = unlist(.$attributes$noises)) %>% # Create a data.table
    .[!noises %in% as.character(0:9)] ) %>% # Remove numeric values
  rbindlist %>% # Combine into a single data.table
  dcast(animal + intelligence ~ paste0("noises.", noises), # Cast the noises variables
        value.var = "noises", 
        fill = 0, # Put 0 instead of NA
        fun.aggregate = function(x) 1) # Put 1 instead of noise


#    animal intelligence noises.bark noises.hiss noises.meow
# 1:    cat       medium           0           1           1
# 2:    dog         high           1           0           0
# 3:  snake          low           0           1           0


现在,您似乎想要对多个属性进行泛化。假设您的数据也有一个 colors 属性,例如:

pets_json <- paste0('[{"animal":"cat","attributes":{"intelligence":"medium","noises":[{"noise":"meow","code":4},{"noise":"hiss","code":2}],"colors":[{"color":"brown","code":4},{"color":"white","code":2}]}},',


# Do not simplify to data.frame
str(df <- fromJSON(txt=pets_json, simplifyDataFrame=F))

# Set up the attributes names
attr.names <- c("noises", "colors")

# The %<>% operator create a pipe and assigns back to the variable
df %<>% 
      "data.table(animal = .$animal, ",
      "intelligence = .$attributes$intelligence, ", 
      paste0(attr.names, " = unlist(.$attributes$", attr.names, ")", collapse=", "), 
      .[eval(parse(text=paste("!", attr.names, "%in% as.character(0:9)", collapse = " & ")))] ) %>%

# Cast each variable and merge together
df <- dcast(melt(df, measure.vars=c(attr.names)), 
        animal + intelligence ~ variable + value, sep=".")

#    animal intelligence noises.bark noises.hiss noises.meow colors.brown
# 1:    cat       medium           0           1           1            1
# 2:    dog         high           1           0           0            1
# 3:  snake          low           0           1           0            1
#    colors.green colors.white
# 1:            0            1
# 2:            0            0
# 3:            1            0

此解决方案也适用于单个属性,例如attr.names <- c("noises").