SignalR 在客户端处理超时事件

SignalR handle timeout event on client side

我是 SignalR 的新手,我有一个网络应用程序可以使用这种技术与服务器通信(恕我直言,这非常酷)。

我想知道的是 - 有没有办法在客户端使用 SingalR 处理超时事件?是否有超时事件被触发,我可以在客户端收听?


[12:56:47 GMT+0300 (Jerusalem Daylight Time)] SignalR: Keep alive has been missed, connection may be dead/slow.
[12:56:54 GMT+0300 (Jerusalem Daylight Time)] SignalR: Keep alive timed out.  Notifying transport that connection has been lost.

明确一点,我不想 运行 我自己的计时器并检查是否发生超时,我想问的是 SignalR 中是否有这样的事件被触发?



Handle the disconnected event to display a message when an attempt to reconnect has timed out. In this scenario, the only way to re-establish a connection with the server again is to restart the SignalR connection by calling the Start method, which will create a new connection ID. The following code sample uses a flag to make sure that you issue the notification only after a reconnecting timeout, not after a normal end to the SignalR connection caused by calling the Stop method.


$.connection.hub.disconnected(function() {
    if(tryingToReconnect) {
    notifyUserOfDisconnect(); // Your function to notify user.


