error: mismatched types: expected 'usize' found '&usize' raised while trying to implement bubble sort

error: mismatched types: expected 'usize' found '&usize' raised while trying to implement bubble sort

我正在尝试在 Rust 中实现冒泡排序算法,但我遇到了类型不匹配错误。有人可以帮助实施吗?

此外,它的实现方式与我在 Python 中的实现方式相同。我敢肯定有一种朴素的方法可以实现这一点。

fn main() {
    let mut list = [15, 3, 2, 1, 6, 0];
    println!("order list is: {:?}", &list);

fn bubble_sort(list: &mut [usize]) {
    for i in 0..&list.len() {
        for j in 0..(&list.len()-1) {
            if &list[&j] > &list[&j+1] {
                &list.swap( &list[&j], &list[&j+1] );


Compiling bubble_sort v0.1.0 (file:///home/ranj/Desktop/Rust/algorithms/sorting/bubble_sort)
src/ 5:21 error: mismatched types:
 expected `&mut [usize]`,
    found `[_; 6]`
(expected &-ptr,
    found array of 6 elements) [E0308]
src/     bubble_sort(list);

src/ 5:21 help: run `rustc --explain E0308` to see a detailed explanation
src/ 11:30 error: start and end of range have incompatible types: expected `_`, found `&usize` (expected integral variable, found &-ptr) [E0308]
src/     for i in 0..&list.len() {

note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 17:6 note: expansion site
src/ 11:30 help: run `rustc --explain E0308` to see a detailed explanation
src/ 13:25 error: the trait `core::ops::Index<&usize>` is not implemented for the type `[usize]` [E0277]
src/             if &list[&j] > &list[&j+1] {

note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 16:10 note: expansion site
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 17:6 note: expansion site
src/ 13:25 note: the type `[usize]` cannot be indexed by `&usize`
src/             if &list[&j] > &list[&j+1] {

note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 16:10 note: expansion site
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 17:6 note: expansion site
src/ 13:25 error: the trait `core::ops::Index<&usize>` is not implemented for the type `[usize]` [E0277]
src/             if &list[&j] > &list[&j+1] {

note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 16:10 note: expansion site
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 17:6 note: expansion site
src/ 13:25 note: the type `[usize]` cannot be indexed by `&usize`
src/             if &list[&j] > &list[&j+1] {

note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 16:10 note: expansion site
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 17:6 note: expansion site
src/ 14:38 error: the trait `core::ops::Index<&usize>` is not implemented for the type `[usize]` [E0277]
src/                 &list.swap( &list[&j], &list[&j+1] );

note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 16:10 note: expansion site
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 17:6 note: expansion site
src/ 14:38 note: the type `[usize]` cannot be indexed by `&usize`
src/                 &list.swap( &list[&j], &list[&j+1] );

note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 16:10 note: expansion site
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 17:6 note: expansion site
src/ 14:38 error: the trait `core::ops::Index<&usize>` is not implemented for the type `[usize]` [E0277]
src/                 &list.swap( &list[&j], &list[&j+1] );

note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 16:10 note: expansion site
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 17:6 note: expansion site
src/ 14:38 note: the type `[usize]` cannot be indexed by `&usize`
src/                 &list.swap( &list[&j], &list[&j+1] );

note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 16:10 note: expansion site
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 17:6 note: expansion site
src/ 14:51 error: mismatched types:
 expected `usize`,
    found `&usize`
(expected usize,
    found &-ptr) [E0308]
src/                 &list.swap( &list[&j], &list[&j+1] );

note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 16:10 note: expansion site
note: in expansion of for loop expansion
src/ 17:6 note: expansion site
src/ 14:51 help: run `rustc --explain E0308` to see a detailed explanation
error: aborting due to 7 previous errors
Could not compile `bubble_sort`.

在不知道编译器错误的确切原因的情况下:您应该删除相当多的 & -- 例如在索引括号 [ ] 中。

编译器只是说它需要一个 usize 类型的变量,但找到了一个 &usize 类型的变量,它是对该类型的引用。索引运算符([ ] 括号)采用 usize 类型的参数。但是您通过添加 &.


除了 Lukas 提到的问题,这里还有一些问题:

冒泡排序函数的参数类型必须为 &mut [usize]list 的类型为 [usize],因此您必须对其进行转换:调用冒泡排序函数时。

bubble_sort(&mut list);

当您在列表上调用 swap 时,您应该传入要交换的事物的索引,而不是值本身。

list.swap( j, j+1 );


fn main() {
    let mut list = [15, 3, 2, 1, 6, 0];
    bubble_sort(&mut list);
    println!("Sorted list is: {:?}", &list);

fn bubble_sort(list: &mut [usize]) {
    for _ in 0..list.len() {
        for j in 0..(&list.len()-1) {
            if list[j] > list[j+1] {
                list.swap( j, j+1 );