listview 项目中的 copyfile 选项由于数组而弹出“复制”对话框,是否有任何替代方法只复制一次?

copyfile option from listview item pops up Copy dialog because of the array, any alternatives to do copy only once?


for($i=0;$i -le $filecount;$i++){
    $name = $droper.Items.Item($i).text
    $copytemp = Split-Path $name.ToString() -leaf -resolve
    $pasteitem = $datepath+"\" + $copytemp
    $setclipboard = [System.Windows.Clipboard]::SetFileDropList($name)
    #$t= [System.IO.File]::copy(,$true)
    $t = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem]::CopyFile($name, $pasteitem, Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.UIOption]::AllDialogs)



如有疑问,请阅读 documentation。如果你告诉 CopyFile() 显示所有对话框 ([Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.UIOption]::AllDialogs) 那么它肯定会按照它的指示去做。如果您不想要对话框,请在没有该选项的情况下调用 CopyFile()

$t = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem]::CopyFile($name, $pasteitem)

或者(更好),以 PoSh 的方式进行:

for($i=0; $i -le $filecount; $i++) {
  $name = $droper.Items.Item($i).text
  Copy-Item $name "$datepath\"

如果您希望显示整体进度,您可以添加 Write-Progress

for($i=0; $i -le $filecount; $i++) {
  $name = $droper.Items.Item($i).text
  Write-Progress -Activity 'Copying ...' -Percent ($i*100/$filecount) -Current $name
  Copy-Item $name "$datepath\"

如果您需要一个图形化的总体进度条,您可能需要自己构建它。 Jeffrey Hicks 发布了一个例子 here.

Add-Type -Assembly System.Windows.Forms

$form = New-Object Windows.Forms.Form
$form.Text   = 'Copying ...'
$form.Height = 100
$form.Width  = 400
$form.StartPosition = [Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition]::CenterScreen

$progress = New-Object Windows.Forms.ProgressBar
$progress.Name  = 'progressBar1'
$progress.Left  = 5
$progress.Top   = 40
$progress.Value = 0
$progress.Style = 'Continuous'

$drawingSize = New-Object Drawing.Size
$drawingSize.Width  = 360
$drawingSize.Height = 20
$progress.Size = $drawingSize



for($i=0; $i -le $filecount; $i++) {
  $name = $droper.Items.Item($i).text
  Copy-Item $name "$datepath\"
  $progress.Value = [int]($i*100/$filecount)
