搜索 ==、++ 等

Search for ==, ++, etc

Google 在查询

python == and in or in

这似乎是因为 google omits 常见的编程语言运算符,如搜索词中的 ==。有没有办法绕过这个限制?

Previous answers recommended google code search, yet that is shut down. Symbolhound.com was recommended,但返回了一个空的结果页面。

这与 searching for code 无关,而是搜索与编程相关的文档(最常在 SO 上找到 ;-),所以有什么方法可以搜索网络 (或者,就此而言,SO) 用于编程语法?

There's an answer on the WebApps Stack I'll paraphrase here for posterity.

写出每个符号的名称,后跟 "operator"。如果您想更具体,请包括编程语言。

Example                           Recommended Search
----------                        -----------
+= (addition assignment)          "plus equals operator"
%  (modulus)                      "percent operator"
^  (C++ bitwise XOR)              "caret operator C++"