MuPDF Android 库垂直滚动

MuPDF Android Library Vertical Scroll

我正在使用为问题作者工作的 MuPdf Android Library, I want vertical Scroll instead of horizontal page Scrolling, tried everything but failed, googled the problem and found an answer on Whosebug and someone answered his question 但我没有得到这个解决方案,将这些方法放在 ReaderView 中但是通过这种方式我发现了与其他活动相关的错误,请帮助我这些方法放在哪里?有人研究过 mupdf 垂直滚动?


You can do by changing the horizontal values to vertical ( change all width related calculations to height )

检查答案 HERE

我使用方法 swipeHorizontal(boolean isHorizontal) 为 Mupdf 创建了新的绑定库,因此您可以在垂直和水平滚动之间轻松切换


您可以通过将水平值更改为垂直值(将所有与宽度相关的计算更改为高度)来实现。更改 onLayout() 和 onFling() 如下:(Reference)

    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
        super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);

        // "Edit mode" means when the View is being displayed in the Android GUI editor. (this class
        // is instantiated in the IDE, so we need to be a bit careful what we do).
        if (isInEditMode())

        View cv = mChildViews.get(mCurrent);
        Point cvOffset;

        if (!mResetLayout) {
            // Move to next or previous if current is sufficiently off center
            if (cv != null) {
                cvOffset = subScreenSizeOffset(cv);
                // cv.getRight() may be out of date with the current scale
                // so add left to the measured width for the correct position
                //if (cv.getLeft() + cv.getMeasuredWidth() + cvOffset.x + GAP/2 + mXScroll < getWidth()/2 && mCurrent + 1 < mAdapter.getCount()) {
                if (cv.getTop() + cv.getMeasuredHeight() + cvOffset.y + GAP / 2 + mYScroll < getHeight() / 2 && mCurrent + 1 < mAdapter.getCount()) {
                    // post to invoke test for end of animation
                    // where we must set hq area for the new current view


                //if (cv.getLeft() - cvOffset.x - GAP/2 + mXScroll >= getWidth()/2 && mCurrent > 0) {
                if (cv.getTop() - cvOffset.y - GAP / 2 + mYScroll >= getHeight() / 2 && mCurrent > 0) {
                    // post to invoke test for end of animation
                    // where we must set hq area for the new current view


            // Remove not needed children and hold them for reuse
            int numChildren = mChildViews.size();
            int childIndices[] = new int[numChildren];
            for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
                childIndices[i] = mChildViews.keyAt(i);

            for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
                int ai = childIndices[i];
                if (ai < mCurrent - 1 || ai > mCurrent + 1) {
                    View v = mChildViews.get(ai);
        } else {
            mResetLayout = false;
            mXScroll = mYScroll = 0;

            // Remove all children and hold them for reuse
            int numChildren = mChildViews.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
                View v = mChildViews.valueAt(i);

            // Don't reuse cached views if the adapter has changed
            if (mReflowChanged) {
                mReflowChanged = false;

            // post to ensure generation of hq area

        // Ensure current view is present
        int cvLeft, cvRight, cvTop, cvBottom;
        boolean notPresent = (mChildViews.get(mCurrent) == null);
        cv = getOrCreateChild(mCurrent);
        // When the view is sub-screen-size in either dimension we
        // offset it to center within the screen area, and to keep
        // the views spaced out
        cvOffset = subScreenSizeOffset(cv);
        if (notPresent) {
            //Main item not already present. Just place it top left
            cvLeft = cvOffset.x;
            cvTop = cvOffset.y;
        } else {
            // Main item already present. Adjust by scroll offsets
            cvLeft = cv.getLeft() + mXScroll;
            cvTop = cv.getTop() + mYScroll;
        // Scroll values have been accounted for
        mXScroll = mYScroll = 0;
        cvRight = cvLeft + cv.getMeasuredWidth();
        cvBottom = cvTop + cv.getMeasuredHeight();

        if (!mUserInteracting && mScroller.isFinished()) {
            Point corr = getCorrection(getScrollBounds(cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom));
            cvRight += corr.x;
            cvLeft += corr.x;
            cvTop += corr.y;
            cvBottom += corr.y;
        } else if (cv.getMeasuredWidth() <= getWidth()) {
//            // When the current view is as small as the screen in height, clamp
//            // it vertically
//            Point corr = getCorrection(getScrollBounds(cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom));
//            cvTop += corr.y;
//            cvBottom += corr.y;

            // When the current view is as small as the screen in width, clamp
            // it horizontally
            Point corr = getCorrection(getScrollBounds(cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom));
            cvRight += corr.x;
            cvLeft += corr.x;

        cv.layout(cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom);

        if (mCurrent > 0) {
            View lv = getOrCreateChild(mCurrent - 1);
            Point leftOffset = subScreenSizeOffset(lv);
            /*int gap = leftOffset.x + GAP + cvOffset.x;
            lv.layout(cvLeft - lv.getMeasuredWidth() - gap,
                    (cvBottom + cvTop - lv.getMeasuredHeight())/2,
                    cvLeft - gap,
                    (cvBottom + cvTop + lv.getMeasuredHeight())/2);*/

                        int gap = leftOffset.y + GAP + cvOffset.y;
            lv.layout((cvRight + cvLeft - lv.getMeasuredWidth())/2,
                    cvTop - lv.getMeasuredHeight() - gap,
                    (cvRight + cvLeft + lv.getMeasuredWidth())/2,
                    cvTop - gap);


        if (mCurrent + 1 < mAdapter.getCount()) {
            View rv = getOrCreateChild(mCurrent + 1);
            Point rightOffset = subScreenSizeOffset(rv);
            /*int gap = cvOffset.x + GAP + rightOffset.x;
            rv.layout(cvRight + gap,
                    (cvBottom + cvTop - rv.getMeasuredHeight())/2,
                    cvRight + rv.getMeasuredWidth() + gap,
                    (cvBottom + cvTop + rv.getMeasuredHeight())/2);*/

                        int gap = cvOffset.y + GAP + rightOffset.y;
            rv.layout((cvRight + cvLeft - rv.getMeasuredWidth())/2,
                    cvBottom + gap,
                    (cvRight + cvLeft + rv.getMeasuredWidth())/2,
                    cvBottom + rv.getMeasuredHeight() + gap);




 public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX,
                           float velocityY) {
        if (mScaling)
            return true;

        View v = mChildViews.get(mCurrent);
        if (v != null) {
            Rect bounds = getScrollBounds(v);
            switch (directionOfTravel(velocityX, velocityY)) {

                case MOVING_UP:
                    if ( >= 0) {
                        // Fling off to the left bring next view onto screen
                        View vl = mChildViews.get(mCurrent + 1);

                        if (vl != null) {
                            return true;

                case MOVING_DOWN:
                    if (bounds.bottom <= 0) {
                        // Fling off to the right bring previous view onto screen
                        View vr = mChildViews.get(mCurrent - 1);

                        if (vr != null) {
                            return true;
            mScrollerLastX = mScrollerLastY = 0;
            // If the page has been dragged out of bounds then we want to spring back
            // nicely. fling jumps back into bounds instantly, so we don't want to use
            // fling in that case. On the other hand, we don't want to forgo a fling
            // just because of a slightly off-angle drag taking us out of bounds other
            // than in the direction of the drag, so we test for out of bounds only
            // in the direction of travel.
            // Also don't fling if out of bounds in any direction by more than fling
            // margin
            Rect expandedBounds = new Rect(bounds);
            expandedBounds.inset(-FLING_MARGIN, -FLING_MARGIN);

            if (withinBoundsInDirectionOfTravel(bounds, velocityX, velocityY)
                    && expandedBounds.contains(0, 0)) {
                mScroller.fling(0, 0, (int) velocityX, (int) velocityY, bounds.left, bounds.right,, bounds.bottom);

        return true;