ld.so.conf 未由 ldconfig 加载

ld.so.conf does not get loaded by ldconfig

所以我编辑了我的 /etc/ld.so.conf 文件,现在它看起来像这样:

include /opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64_lin
include /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*.conf
include /usr/local/lib

我试过 运行ning sudo ldconfig -v,但在输出中它似乎甚至没有尝试加载 MKL 库目录。当我尝试 运行 使用 MKL 的程序时,它失败了。但是,如果我将符号 link 添加到从 /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf 添加的 /usr/local/lib 中的正确库中,它就可以工作。显然这是一个简单的解决方案,但我想了解为什么我的 ldconfig 失败了?


/full/Path/to/library.so/or/directory/etc/ld.so.conf 文件

您必须删除配置文件中目录前的 include 字词。

来自man ldconfig

The ldconfig utility is used to prepare a set of ``hints'' for use by the dynamic linker to facilitate quick lookup of shared libraries available in multiple directories.

Files named on the command line are expected to contain directories to scan for shared libraries. Each directory's pathname must start on a new line. Blank lines and lines starting with the comment character `#' are ignored. Filenames must conform to the lib*.so.[0-9] pattern in order to be added to the hints file.