
Does regex lookahead affect subsequent match?






但事实并非如此。在 ruby 中,代码如下所示:

> "x1".match /(?=1)x/
=> nil


  1. 我们从 "x" 上的正则表达式解析器的光标开始。
  2. 正则表达式引擎在字符串中搜索“1”并获得匹配项。光标还在"x"
  3. 正则表达式引擎搜索 "x" 并找到它,因为光标没有移动。
  4. 成功!盈利!


顺便说一句,我注意到如果前瞻匹配的模式包含我在后续表达式中匹配的字符,它就可以工作。 IE。 (?=x)x 匹配 x1 就好了。我怀疑这是解开谜团的关键,但我就是不明白。 :)

前瞻不会向前移动正则表达式索引,它 "stands its ground",但它需要在字符串中的当前位置之后存在或不存在某些模式。

当您使用 (?=1)x 时,您告诉正则表达式引擎:

  1. 下一个字符必须是 1
  2. 就在这个位置,匹配字符x

这意味着你要求 x1 这永远不会 true/is 总是错误的。这个正则表达式永远不会匹配任何东西。

这是来自 regular-expressions.com 的另一个例子:

Let's apply q(?=u)i to quit. The lookahead is now positive and is followed by another token. Again, q matches q and u matches u. Again, the match from the lookahead must be discarded, so the engine steps back from i in the string to u. The lookahead was successful, so the engine continues with i. But i cannot match u. So this match attempt fails. All remaining attempts fail as well, because there are no more q's in the string.

另一个必读资源是 Lookarounds Stand their Ground at rexegg.com:

Lookahead and lookbehind don't mean look way ahead into the distance. They mean look at the text immediately to the left or to the right. If you want to inspect a piece of string further down, you will need to insert "binoculars" inside the lookahead to get you to the part of the string you want to inspect—for instance a .*, or, ideally, more specific tokens.

Do not expect the pattern A(?=5) to match the A in the string AB25. Many beginners assume that the lookahead says that "there is a 5 somewhere to the right", but that is not so. After the engine matches the A, the lookahead (?=5) asserts that at the current position in the string, what immediately follows is a 5. If you want to check if there is a 5 somewhere (anywhere) to the right, you can use (?=[^5]*5).




ASSERTIONS exist BETWEEN characters在目标文本中,就像它们存在一样

They don't exist AT characters,不过他们之间。

断言,即 lookAHEAD 或 lookBEHIND。


您的正则表达式 (?=1)x 例如:

正则表达式表示 在字符之间的位置 向前看 1,
如果查找并找到 1,则继续下一个表达式。
下一个表达式正在寻找文字 x

现在,如果下一个字符是 1,那么它就不是 x