如何使用 Oozie 安排 Rscripts

How to Schedule Rscripts using Oozie

我在 Hortonworks Sandbox 上使用 Rhadoop 将数据从 HDFS 读取到 R,在 R 中读取数据后,我正在对该文件执行某些操作。

我想使用 Oozie 安排(每天、每周、每月)这个 R 脚本。




这是来自 Oozie R helper on Github 的相关 bash 脚本和使用说明。


die () {
    echo >&2 "$@"
    exit 1

[ "$#" -eq 3 ] || die "3 arguments required, $# provided"

if [[  ${hdfs_output} =~ ^\/tmp\/.*$ ]]; then
    echo "I will run the r script  on the hdfs "
    tmp_filename="/tmp/`date +"%Y%m%d.%H%M%S"`"
    echo "using tmp_dir $tmp_filename"
    tmp_output="/tmp/out`date +"%Y%m%d.%H%M%S"`"

    hadoop fs -getmerge $hdfs_file $tmp_filename
    R -f $r_file --args $tmp_filename $tmp_output
    hadoop fs -rmr $hdfs_output
    hadoop fs -put $tmp_output $hdfs_output 

  die "$hdfs_output must be in /tmp/"

Oozie R helper,

The data science team wanted to be able to run R script using oozie,

They wanted to be able to run ETL using Hive and on the result of that ETL they wanted to run the r script.

So I created a bash script that take 3 arguments: 1. The HDFS input of the files they want to run 2. The R script they want to run 3. The output on the hdfs where they want their result to be. (currentlt because the user is mapred I allow only /tmp/)

How to run

You can use a shell oozie action like this:

<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">


R and all its libraries should be installe on all Hadoop salves, including all the libraries that are used