JavaFX Canvas: 填充由多个几何图形组成的闭合路径

JavaFX Canvas: fill closed path composed of multiple geometries

我想绘制并填充一条由 2 条弧线和 2 条线组成的具有特定颜色的路径。我需要使用 JavaFX 中的 Canvas,因为我需要绘制更多内容。问题是,我创建的路径甚至没有绘制或填充。我要的是这个


您可能会注意到,此弧在左侧和右侧比在中间更细。不幸的是,仅使用具有 ceratin 笔划宽度的简单弧线对我来说不是一个选择。


import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas;
import javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.ArcType;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public final class CanvasTest extends Application {

    private static final int WIDTH = 400;
    private static final int HEIGHT = 300;
    private static final int RADIUS = 250;

    private static final int BRICK_HEIGHT = 15;
    private static final int RADIUSHALF = RADIUS / 2;
    private static GraphicsContext gc;

    public void start(Stage stage) {
        final Group root = new Group();
        final Scene scene = new Scene(root, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
        final Canvas can = new Canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
        gc = can.getGraphicsContext2D();

        gc.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);

        drawArc(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2);


    private void drawArc(final int posX, final int posY) {

        final double newRadius = RADIUSHALF - BRICK_HEIGHT;
        final double yOffsetLowerArc = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(45)) * newRadius;
        final double xOffsetLowerArc = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(45)) * newRadius;
        final double newAngleLowerArc = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(xOffsetLowerArc, yOffsetLowerArc + BRICK_HEIGHT));
        final double xOffsetUpperArc = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(45)) * RADIUSHALF;
        final double yOffsetUpperArc = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(45)) * RADIUSHALF;
        final double yOffsetNewLowerArc = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(newAngleLowerArc)) * RADIUSHALF;
        final double xOffsetNewLowerArc = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(newAngleLowerArc)) * RADIUSHALF;

        // this code produces the un-filled custom arc
        // gc.strokeArc(posX - RADIUSHALF, posY - RADIUSHALF, RADIUS, RADIUS, 45, 90, ArcType.OPEN);
        // gc.strokeArc(posX - RADIUSHALF, posY - RADIUSHALF + BRICK_HEIGHT, RADIUS, RADIUS, 90 - newAngleLowerArc, 2 * newAngleLowerArc, ArcType.OPEN);
        // gc.strokeLine(posX - xOffsetNewLowerArc, posY + BRICK_HEIGHT - yOffsetNewLowerArc, posX - xOffsetUpperArc, posY - yOffsetUpperArc);
        // gc.strokeLine(posX + xOffsetNewLowerArc, posY + BRICK_HEIGHT - yOffsetNewLowerArc, posX + xOffsetUpperArc, posY - yOffsetUpperArc);

        gc.arc(posX - RADIUSHALF, posY - RADIUSHALF, RADIUS, RADIUS, 45, 90/*, ArcType.OPEN*/);
        gc.arc(posX - RADIUSHALF, posY - RADIUSHALF + BRICK_HEIGHT, RADIUS, RADIUS, 90 - newAngleLowerArc, 2 * newAngleLowerArc/*, ArcType.OPEN*/);
        gc.moveTo(posX + xOffsetNewLowerArc, posY + BRICK_HEIGHT - yOffsetNewLowerArc);
        gc.lineTo(posX + xOffsetUpperArc, posY - yOffsetUpperArc);
        gc.moveTo(posX - xOffsetNewLowerArc, posY + BRICK_HEIGHT - yOffsetNewLowerArc);
        gc.lineTo(posX - xOffsetUpperArc, posY - yOffsetUpperArc);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

也许我也误解了 JavaFX 中路径的概念,但对我来说我的方法是合理的 :-) 无论如何它都不起作用。 (我也看了这个“Working with Canvas”)

您的代码存在一些问题。 GraphicsContext.arc are not the same as GraphicsContext.strokeArc.

strokeArc(double x,
          double y,
          double w,
          double h,
          double startAngle,
          double arcExtent,
          ArcType closure)
arc(double centerX,
    double centerY,
    double radiusX,
    double radiusY,
    double startAngle,
    double length)

不同之处在于:strokeArc 在给定 widthheight 的点 (x, y) 处的矩形中绘制作为椭圆的一部分的圆弧。然而,arc 构建了一条路径,该路径是椭圆形的一部分,以 (centerX, centerY) 为中心,半径为 radiusXradiusY。要获得 arc 的适当参数,您可以使用以下公式:

centerX = (x+w)/2
centerY = (y+h)/2
radiusX = w/2
radiusY = h/2

此外,您无需调用 moveTo 来构建路径。 2 条弧足以构建路径。还要确保使用不同方向的弧线(顺时针方向和逆时针方向)连接弧线的最近端:

gc.arc(posX, posY, RADIUSHALF, RADIUSHALF, 45, 90);

// next arc in opposite direction
gc.arc(posX, posY + BRICK_HEIGHT, RADIUSHALF, RADIUSHALF, 90 + newAngleLowerArc, -2 * newAngleLowerArc);
