clearcase 合并是否复制文件?

Does clearcase merge duplicate the file?

如果 X 分支上有一个 .txt 文件并且对主分支进行了合并,clearcase 是否仅将增量保存在其数据库中而不复制文件?

如果我正在合并一个二进制文件(clearcase 不能合并),它实际上复制了整个文件,所以一个副本在 X 分支上,另一个在主分支上?

In case there is a .txt file on X branch and a merge is done to main branch does clearcase save only the delta in it's database without duplicate the file ?

是的,只有增量,在 vob 的单个源数据容器内。
参见“About type managers and size limitations”。

What if I'm doing a merge to a binary file ( which clearcase can't merge ) does it actually duplicate the entire file, so one copy on the X branch and another on main branch ?

那么类型管理器可能会是 compressed_file。它们无法合并
参见“Handling binary files in ClearCase”。

ClearCase can only merge text files; therefore a different strategy must be deployed in order to manage change related to binary content.

In order to effectively manage binary files in ClearCase, new element types must be defined to handle these file types. The following options are available:

  • Configure element type to be never considered for merging. ClearCase will not attempt to merge elements with a never merge type. These elements will be left unchanged during a deliver or rebase operation and you will not be prompted to merge them.

  • Available in ClearCase 7.0 and later: Configure element type to copy. For elements with a copy type, ClearCase will, in a merge, replace the target version with the source version without user interaction. See technote 1240740 for more information.