自动续订应用内结算 google 播放

auto-renew subscription in-app billing google play

这是我第一次在android中处理应用内付费,我想知道如果我想对我的应用使用包月,自动续订订阅的选项是默认打开的,还是用户应该在 his/her google 钱包帐户中做一些事情以允许在我的应用程序中自动续订订阅



The docs say:

After users have purchased subscriptions, they can view the subscriptions and cancel them from the My Apps screen in the Play Store app or from the app's product details page in the Play Store app.


Billing continues indefinitely at the interval and price specified for the subscription. At each subscription renewal, Google Play charges the user account automatically, then notifies the user of the charges afterward by email. For monthly and annual subscriptions, billing cycles will always match subscription cycles, based on the purchase date.
