toString() 不适用于 super 和 sub 类

toString() not working with super and sub classes

我在正确显示 toString() 方法时遇到问题。我在我的每个子类中都重载了它,我在 main 方法中调用它。我得到了所需输出的开头,但之后我得到的只是一个散列。我还尝试使用此 toString() 方法显示数组的结果。

    //main method

    public class PublicationArray
public static void main(String[] args)
  Publication[] publications = new Publication[10];

  publications[0] = new Magazine("American Fisherman", 2.0, 100);      
  publications[1] = new Book("C++ Programming", 25.0, 70);
  publications[2] = new Magazine("Time", 1.5, 100);
  publications[3] = new Book("Morning Dove", 15.0, 39);
  publications[4] = new Magazine("Nerd", 3.0, 10);
  publications[5] = new Book("Walking and Chewing Gum for Dummies",14.0,40);
  publications[6] = new Magazine("New Yorker", 2.25, 28);
  publications[7] = new Book("J++ Programming", 30.0, 55);
  publications[8] = new Magazine("Devorced", 1.75, 33);
  publications[9] = new Book("Doing Nothing for Dummies", 10.0, 10);

  for(int i = 0; i < publications.length; i++)
     System.out.println("Publication [" + i + "] is " + publications.toString());


   //one of the subclasses, the other is identical except for the formula

public class Magazine extends Publication
public Magazine(String title, double cost, int quantity)
  super(title, cost, quantity);

String month;

public void setMonth(String pubMonth)
  month = pubMonth;
public double setPrice()
  double price = cost * 1.6;
  return price;

public String toString()
  String display = "Title " + title + ",Price " + setPrice() +
     ", Cost " + cost + ", Quantity " + quantity;
  return display;


Publication [0] is Title ,Price 0.0, Cost 0.0, Quantity 0
Publication [1] is Title ,Price 0.0, Cost 0.0, Quantity 0
Publication [2] is Title ,Price 0.0, Cost 0.0, Quantity 0
Publication [3] is Title ,Price 0.0, Cost 0.0, Quantity 0
Publication [4] is Title ,Price 0.0, Cost 0.0, Quantity 0
Publication [5] is Title ,Price 0.0, Cost 0.0, Quantity 0
Publication [6] is Title ,Price 0.0, Cost 0.0, Quantity 0
Publication [7] is Title ,Price 0.0, Cost 0.0, Quantity 0
Publication [8] is Title ,Price 0.0, Cost 0.0, Quantity 0
Publication [9] is Title ,Price 0.0, Cost 0.0, Quantity 0

public abstract class Publication
String title = "";
double cost;
int quantity;

public Publication(String pubTitle, double pubCost, int pubQuantity)
  pubTitle = title;
  pubCost = cost;
  pubQuantity = quantity;

//Set Methods
public void setTitle(String pubTitle)
  title = pubTitle;
public void setCost(double pubCost)
  cost = pubCost;
public void setQuantity(int pubQuantity)
  quantity = pubQuantity;

//Get Methods
public String getTitle()
  return title;
public double getCost()
  return cost;
public int getQuantity()
  return quantity;

public abstract double setPrice();


这是因为在数组上使用 toString() 方法可以获得该数组的内存地址。您希望在自定义 toString() 方法中使用 Arrays.toString(publications)


for(int i = 0; i < publications.length; i++)
    System.out.println("Publication [" + i + "] is " + publications[i].toString());

对于输出仅为零的问题,请确保超级 class 中的变量是 protectedpublic。然后在你的 subclass' toString() 方法中使用 this 关键字访问它们:

public String toString()
    String display = "Title " + this.title + ",Price " + setPrice() + ", Cost " + this.cost + ", Quantity " + this.quantity;
    return display;

您还应该在 setPrice() 方法中使用 this 关键字来访问 cost


将零作为输出的问题可能是由于 Publication class 中的构造函数造成的。您正在以错误的方式分配变量。它应该看起来像这样:

public Publication(String pubTitle, double pubCost, int pubQuantity)
    title = pubTitle;
    cost = pubCost;
    quantity = pubQuantity;