如何获取 Cloud Foundry 应用程序实例的 GUID?

How to get the cloud foundry app instance's guid?

Cloud Foundry App /stats api (/v2/apps/:guid/stats) 给出了 CF App 每个实例的详细信息。


CF 应用统计 API:http://apidocs.cloudfoundry.org/222/apps/get_detailed_stats_for_a_started_app.html

GET on https://api.ng.bluemix.net/v2/apps/<app-guid>/stats


        "state": "RUNNING",
            "name": "testlibappcf",
            "host": "",
            "port": 61814,
            "uptime": 84972,
            "mem_quota": 536870912,
            "disk_quota": 1073741824,
            "fds_quota": 16384,
                "time": "2015-10-29 08:25:45 +0000",
                "cpu": 0.0015772999557422517,
                "mem": 181530624,
                "disk": 187355136
        "state": "RUNNING",
            "name": "testlibappcf",
            "host": "",
            "port": 61588,
            "uptime": 263802,
            "mem_quota": 536870912,
            "disk_quota": 1073741824,
            "fds_quota": 16384,
                "time": "2015-10-29 08:25:45 +0000",
                "cpu": 0.002226168338735689,
                "mem": 184090624,
                "disk": 187158528
        "state": "RUNNING",
            "name": "testlibappcf",
            "host": "",
            "port": 61970,
            "uptime": 74472,
            "mem_quota": 536870912,
            "disk_quota": 1073741824,
            "fds_quota": 16384,
                "time": "2015-10-29 08:25:45 +0000",
                "cpu": 0.0019144080402859489,
                "mem": 213286912,
                "disk": 187158528

由于每个应用程序实例都位于 Warden 容器中,是否有办法获取 CF 应用程序实例 ID (container-guid)?

Cloud Foundry 中的应用程序具有 GUID,而各个实例则没有。


Cloud Foundry 现在通过 CF_INSTANCE_GUID.

公开实例 GUID