如何在 Netsuite 中为新承运人开发自定义运输模块?

How to develop a custom shipping module for a new carrier in Netsuite?

我有兴趣为新运营商开发自定义插件。我看到 Netsuite 提供 UPS、FedEx、USPS、Endecia 等。我在 Netsuite (http://www.netsuite.com/portal/developers/dev-resources.shtml) 上找到了这个页面,但不太清楚像我这样的开发人员如何着手开发它。 Netsuite 甚至允许外部开发人员创建他们自己的交付模块吗?有一天我也有兴趣开发自己的税务模块。

一种可能的解决方案(假设运输提供商具有基于 HTTP(s) API 例如 REST),根据您的需要,某些步骤可能是可选的:

1) Create a shipping item with a flat rate pricing

2) Write a user event of Sales Order that on update/create, contacts contacts the HTTP based API and gets the rates and updates the shipping price on Sales Order.

3) If you are looking for things like shipping label integration, you may want to write a User event on Item Fulfillment that contacts the API and gets the tracking number and update the same on the fulfuillment record and communicates to the shipping provider about package details.

4) Write a scheduled script additionally to update the Item fulfilment status


1) 实时汇率

2) 运输标签集成


1) 您的包裹详情无法捆绑。

2) 设置标准运输(例如承运人详细信息)的用户体验可能与此不同。

Alternatively or a better approach is to contact NetSuite customer support and then provide a bundle which can overcome limitations mentioned above, which I believe is the approach of Australia Post.

或使用 pacejet.com,它处理 LTL、协商定价的所有内容,并在回购中有一个捆绑包。