root android 手机上的错误:message:DllNotFoundException:sqlite3

Error on rooted android phones: message:DllNotFoundException: sqlite3

我有一个 Unity 应用程序,它在 iOS 和 Android phones 上运行良好,但在 rooted nexus phones 上我收到此错误。

device:Nexus 4, engine_version:unity 5.2.2, jailbroken:true, manufacturer:LGE, message:DllNotFoundException: sqlite3

由于该应用程序可在其他 android phone 上运行,我认为问题在于 phone 已扎根。任何有关如何解决此问题的想法都将不胜感激。

你真的认为根源是主要原因吗?你有没有在Unity项目中自己添加sqlite库(Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll, sqlite3.dll, System.Data.dll)?

我在 Unity 论坛上也发现了类似的东西:

The problem is solved this way: besides Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll, sqlite3.dll and System.Data.dll it is necessary to use library Pay attention that for ARM and x86 you need different libraries. To use the needed library version, depending on type of device (ARM or x86), it is necessary to create the folder "Android" in the folder "Plugins", folder "libs" in "Android", "armeabi-v7a" and "x86" in folder "libs", in which you shoud place the corresponding versions the libraries. Like this:

You can download the version of the library for the x86 here and for ARM here.
