关于 Prolog 的实现

about the Prolog implementation

我只想将处理 lisp 查询的功能添加到 OnLisp 文本中的初始 Prolog 实现中。 由于此功能在后面的章节中介绍(新实现),我只是从新实现中复制并进行了一些修改。

这里是 functions/macros 我 modified/added.

(=defun prove-query (expr binds)
    (case (car expr)
      (and (prove-and (cdr expr) binds))
      (or (prove-or (cdr expr) binds))
      (not (prove-not (cadr expr) binds))
          (lisp (gen-lisp (cadr expr) binds)) ;;; added
      (t (prove-simple expr binds))))

(defmacro with-binds (binds expr)
  `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (v) `(,v (fullbind ,v ,binds)))
         (vars-in expr))
     (eval ,expr)))             ;;; copied the whole macro from new implementaion and modified this line.

(=defun gen-lisp (expr binds)  ;;; copied from new implementation but modified
  (if (with-binds binds expr)
       (=values binds)


(<- (ordered (?x)))

(<- (ordered (?x ?y . ?ys))
    (lisp (<= ?x ?y))
    (ordered (?y . ?ys)))

(with-inference (ordered (1 3 6))
  (print t))

*** - EVAL: variable ?G3159 has no value
The following restarts are available:
USE-VALUE      :R1      Input a value to be used instead of ?G3159.
STORE-VALUE    :R2      Input a new value for ?G3159.
ABORT          :R3      Abort main loop

我跟踪了 =gen-lisp 并扩展了宏 "with-binds" 但没有发现任何有趣的东西。

(macroexpand '(with-binds '((?G3161 6) (?G3160 . 3) (?G3159 . 1)) '(<= ?G3160 ?G3159)))

 ((?G3160 (FULLBIND ?G3160 '((?G3161 6) (?G3160 . 3) (?G3159 . 1))))
  (?G3159 (FULLBIND ?G3159 '((?G3161 6) (?G3160 . 3) (?G3159 . 1)))))
 (EVAL '(<= ?G3160 ?G3159))) ;


顺便说一句,这里是 complete code



(eval form)null 词法环境 中计算 form,这意味着 ?G3160?G3159 没有绑定在里面电话。 实际上,符号是在编译期间解析的,并且在运行时不再有关于词法绑定的信息。 我提到了编译,但即使你 运行 你的代码在解释器中,也没有 lexical-symbol-value 函数可用于解析绑定,在运行时给定一个符号。

好消息是您不需要将表单包装在 eval 中。难点在于with-binds引入了另一层引用(expr被引用)。我会这样写 gen-lisp:

(=defun gen-lisp (expr binds)
  `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (v) `(,v (fullbind ,v ,binds)))
         (vars-in expr))
     (if ,expr
         (=values binds)