PHP 按最大宽度和宽度大于高度的位置对图片进行排序

PHP Sort pictures by biggest width and where width is bigger than height


    0 => array(
       width => "213",
       height => "50"
    1 => array(
       width => "120",
       height => "204"
 ) etc...


我的尝试是,使用 usort():

usort($results['bossresponse']['images']['results'], function($a, $b) { 
            return $b['width'] - $a['width'];

但它只是根据宽度对图片进行排序,如果图片的宽度大于高度则不会。 usort 可以吗?


usort($results['bossresponse']['images']['results'], function($a, $b) { 
    //Case if A has bigger width than height but B doesn't
    if($a["width"]>$a["height"] && !($b["width"]>$b["height"])) return -1;

    //Case if B has bigger width than height but A doesn't
    if(!($a["width"]>$a["height"]) && $b["width"]>$b["height"]) return 1;

    //They both/neither have bigger width than height, so compare widths
    if($a["width"]>$b["width"]) return -1;
        elseif($b["width"]>$a["width"]) return 1;
        else return 0;