用于大型模型的 QCompleter

QCompleter for large models

QCompleter 在大型数据集(大型模型)上工作速度稍慢:当我开始在 QCombobox 中输入字符时,它会在几秒钟后显示带有变体的自动完成弹出窗口,当输入第二次时char QCompleter 也不会在几秒钟内对按键做出反应。下一个字符工作正常。模型大小约为 100K 条记录。是否可以提高 QCompleter 性能或在第二个或第三个输入符号后显示弹出窗口?有什么好的例子吗?

解决方案类似于: 因为 QCompleter 在其 popup() 中也使用了 QListView。所以完整加速QCombobox的解决方案是:


void ComboboxTools::tweak(QComboBox *combo)
  //  For performance reasons use this policy on large models
  // or AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon

  // Improve combobox view performance
  tweak((QListView *)combo->view());

  // Improve combobox completer performance

调整 dropdown/popup(视图):

void ComboboxTools::tweak(QListView *view)
  // Improving Performance:  It is possible to give the view hints
  // about the data it is handling in order to improve its performance
  // when displaying large numbers of items. One approach that can be taken
  // for views that are intended to display items with equal sizes
  // is to set the uniformItemSizes property to true.
  // This property holds the layout mode for the items. When the mode is Batched,
  // the items are laid out in batches of batchSize items, while processing events.
  // This makes it possible to instantly view and interact with the visible items
  // while the rest are being laid out.
  // batchSize : int
  // This property holds the number of items laid out in each batch
  // if layoutMode is set to Batched. The default value is 100.
  // view->setBatchSize(100);


void ComboboxTools::tweak(QCompleter *completer)
  // If the model's data for the completionColumn() and completionRole() is sorted
  // in ascending order, you can set ModelSorting property
  // to CaseSensitivelySortedModel or CaseInsensitivelySortedModel.
  // On large models, this can lead to significant performance improvements
  // because the completer object can then use a binary search algorithm
  // instead of linear search algorithm.

  // Improve completer popup (view) performance
  tweak((QListView *)completer->popup());