class成员operator new,两次调用构造函数

class member operator new, calling constructor twice

有人知道为什么后一种调用语法,Dog::operator new 在分配后调用默认构造函数,最终调用 2 个构造函数?


Dog *ptr = new("arg") Dog();

没有调用 2 个构造函数。并且不使用任何技巧,比如在对象已经构造的情况下检查默认构造函数。这是代码:

class Dog

    Dog() // default
        std::cout << "default Dog constructor [" << this << "]" <<  std::endl;

    Dog(int x)  // int argument
        std::cout << "dog constructor int " << x << "[" << this << "]" << std::endl;

    Dog(const std::string& word) // std::string argument
        std::cout << "dog constructor std::string: " << word << " ["<< this << "]" << std::endl;

    Dog(std::string &&word) // rvalue string argument
        std::cout << "dog constructor std::string&& rvalue: " << word << " [" << this << "]" << std::endl;

    // custom operator new
    static void *operator new(std::size_t size) noexcept // for default constructor
        Dog *ptr = (Dog*)malloc(size); // allocate memory
        if (ptr) // if allocate ok
            ::new(ptr) Dog(); // call default constructor on object in memory
            return ptr; // returns
            return nullptr;


    template<class T>
    static void * operator new(std::size_t size, T&& value) noexcept // for argument constructor
        Dog *ptr = (Dog*) malloc(size); // allocate the memory
        if (ptr)
            ::new (ptr)  Dog(std::forward<T>(value)); // pass the argument exactly as was passed to operator new,
                                                        // using perfect forwarding
            return ptr;
            return nullptr;


    ~Dog() { std::cout << "destructor " << std::endl;  }

int main(void)

    Dog *d = (Dog*) Dog::operator new(sizeof(Dog), "Const Char * Argument"); // argument version
    Dog *d2 = (Dog*)Dog::operator new(sizeof(Dog)); // default constructor argument

    //1 this works as expected, do what you specified in the member operator new, everything goes normal.

    Dog *d3 = new Dog(); // default constructor
    Dog *d4 = new("Const Char * Argument") Dog(); // argument constructor

    // this is shorter, goes into your member operator new, BUT when it returns to this scope,
    // call the default constructor for *d3, and for *d4 too.

    // so this ends up calling constructors twice for both objects.


所以,我将分配与构造混合在一起,没有理由在这里这样做,也许在 operator new[] 中使用默认构造函数以外的构造函数来构造数组。


class Dog {
// .......

        // custom operator new
    static void *operator new(std::size_t size) noexcept // for default constructor
        void *memory = malloc(size); // allocate memory
        if (memory) // if allocate ok
            return memory; // returns
            return nullptr;


    static void *operator new[](std::size_t size) noexcept
        void *memory = malloc(size); // allocate memory
        if (memory) // if allocate ok
            return memory; // returns
            return nullptr;

    static void operator delete(void *block) noexcept

    static void operator delete[](void *block) noexcept

    ~Dog() { std::cout << "destructor " << std::endl;  }

int main(void)
    // now we can use new operator normaly without complications
    Dog *d1 = new Dog[10]; // default constructor on all objects

    Dog *d2 = new Dog("const char * argument"); // call std::string&& constructor

    delete[] d1;
    delete d2;


使用(关键字)new:它调用分配运算符 new 并 (!) 调用构造函数。

注意:在提供 operator new 时,您还应该提供 operator delete(在您的情况下,它将免费呼叫)。另外,不要忘记数组版本。