
How to implement multi dependency injection decorator with autofac

我想用 IOC 容器 autofac 调用 MessageStore class。

如何使用最新版本的 autofac 注册这个装饰器和复合模式?

这段代码结合了合成器和装饰器模式,注意 SOLID Principal。

我对此感到困惑。我的问题是,这段代码如何用 autofac


var fileStore = new FileStore(new DirectoryInfo(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/file"))); var cacheStore = new CacheStore(fileStore, fileStore); var logStore = new LogStore(cacheStore, cacheStore); var messageStore = new MessageStore(logStore, logStore); messageStore.Save(12, "Hello");

public class FileStore :  IFileLocator, IStoreWriter,IStoreReader
    private readonly DirectoryInfo _workingDirectory;

    public FileStore(DirectoryInfo workDirectory)
        if (workDirectory == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("workDirectory");

        if (!workDirectory.Exists)
            throw new ArgumentException("Directory not found", "workDirectory");

        _workingDirectory = workDirectory;

    public virtual void Save(int id, string message)
        var path = GetFileInfo(id).FullName;
        File.WriteAllText(path, message);

    public virtual Maybe<string> Read(int id)
        var file = GetFileInfo(id);

        if (!file.Exists)
            return new Maybe<string>();

        var path = file.FullName;
        return new Maybe<string>(File.ReadAllText(path));

    public virtual FileInfo GetFileInfo(int id)
        return new FileInfo(
            Path.Combine(_workingDirectory.FullName, id + ".txt"));

public class CacheStore : IStoreWriter, IStoreReader
    private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, Maybe<string>> _cache;
    private readonly IStoreWriter _writer;
    private readonly IStoreReader _reader;

    public CacheStore(IStoreWriter writer, IStoreReader reader)
        _cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Maybe<string>>();
        _writer = writer;
        _reader = reader;

    public virtual void Save(int id, string message)
        _writer.Save(id, message);
        var m = new Maybe<string>(message);
        _cache.AddOrUpdate(id, m, (i, s) => m);

    public virtual Maybe<string> Read(int id)
        Maybe<string> retVal;
        if (_cache.TryGetValue(id, out retVal))
            return retVal;

        retVal = _reader.Read(id);
        if (retVal.Any())
            _cache.AddOrUpdate(id, retVal, (i, s) => retVal);
        return retVal;

public class LogStore :  IStoreWriter, IStoreReader
    private readonly IStoreWriter _writer;
    private readonly IStoreReader _reader;
    public LogStore(IStoreWriter writer, IStoreReader reader)
        _writer = writer;
        _reader = reader;
    public void Save(int id, string message)
        Log.Information("Saving message {id}.", id);
        _writer.Save(id, message);
        Log.Information("Saved message {id}.", id);

    public Maybe<string> Read(int id)
        Log.Debug("Reading message {id}.", id);
        var retVal = _reader.Read(id);
        if (retVal.Any())
            Log.Debug("Returning message {id}.", id);
            Log.Debug("No message {id} found.", id);
        return retVal;


 public class MessageStore
    private readonly IStoreWriter _writer;
    private readonly IStoreReader _reader;
    public MessageStore(IStoreWriter writer, IStoreReader reader)
        if (writer == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
        if (reader == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");
        _writer = writer;
        _reader = reader;

    public void Save(int id, string message)
        _writer.Save(id, message);

    public Maybe<string> Read(int id)
        return _reader.Read(id);

鉴于您的所有商店都实施并使用 IStoreReaderIStoreWriter,您可以通过将它们组合到一个 IStore 界面中来简化事情。这可以是定义 SaveRead 方法的单个接口,或者如果需要,它可以继承现有的 IStoreReaderIStoreWriter 接口。

然后您可以将您的 FileStore - 这似乎是主要实现 - 注册为键控服务。然后使用 RegisterDecorator 注册缓存和日志装饰器。最后注册MessageStore,解析没有key的服务,会做最外层的装饰器

builder.Register(f => new FileStore(new DirectoryInfo(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/file"))))

    (c, inner) => new CacheStore(inner), fromKey: "file", toKey: "cache");

    (c, inner) => new LogStore(inner), fromKey: "cache", toKey: null);

builder.Register(c => new MessageStore(c.Resolve<IStore>()));

我确信 API 周围的装饰器可以得到改进,这绝对是我打算尽快做的事情。

谢谢亚历克斯。但是我用下面的代码解决了,因为我不想创建 IStore。你考虑一下我的讨论吗?

builder.Register(f => new FileStore(new DirectoryInfo(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/file")))) 
            c => new CacheStore(c.ResolveNamed<IStoreWriter>("F-writer"), c.ResolveNamed<IStoreReader>("F-reader"))) 

            c => new LogStore(c.ResolveNamed<IStoreWriter>("C-writer"), c.ResolveNamed<IStoreReader>("C-reader"))) 

            c => 
                new MessageStore(c.ResolveNamed<IStoreWriter>("L-writer"), c.ResolveNamed<IStoreReader>("L-reader")));