fseek() 将指针设置到错误的位置

fseek() sets the pointer to wrong position

我有一个具有以下结构的 .dat 文件:

Object name | Area | Length |Form Factor

我正在尝试查找哪个对象具有最小面积。我读取了整个文件并使用 ftell() 跟踪具有最小面积的对象及其位置。当我读完文件后,我将流位置指示器设置为我从 ftell() 获得的任何值。然后我读了那一行作为我的最终结果,但现在,我读错了行。


toy1 12785.00 550.70 23.22
toy2 11506.50 495.63 0.48
Pen 35008.65 1450.98 0.17
Pencil 42788.35 1773.42 0.209
card7 128433.00 1552.67 0.67


#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
    FILE *cfPtr;
    errno_t err;

    char name[15];
    double area, length, fF;
    double minArea = 100000.0;
    long address, minAreaAdd;

    char string[100];

    if ((err = fopen_s(&cfPtr, "objects.dat", "r")) != 0)   // Check if we can reach the file
        printf("The file 'objecs.dat' was not opened to read.\n");
        while (fgets(string, 100, cfPtr)) 
            address = ftell(cfPtr);
            sscanf_s(string,"%s %lf %lf %lf", &name, sizeof name, &area, &length, &fF);

            if (area < minArea)
                minArea = area;
                minAreaAdd = address;

        cout << "Min Area: " << minArea << " Address: " << minAreaAdd << "\n\n";

        fseek(cfPtr, minAreaAdd, SEEK_SET);
        fgets(string, 100, cfPtr);
        sscanf_s(string, "%s %lf %lf %lf", &name, sizeof name, &area, &length, &fF);

        cout << "Name: " << name << " Area : " << area << " Length: " << length << " Form factor: " << fF << "\n";

    return 0;


Min Area: 11506.5 Address: 55

Name: Pen Area : 35008.7 Length: 1450.98 Form factor: 0.17

当您获得文件位置并将其存储到 address 时,那是在您读入该行之后,因此当您寻求它以获取答案时,您将获得该行 [=13] =]在之后是正确的。

如“1201ProgramAlarm”所述,您在读取要保存的行后获取地址。也就是说,您在 fgets.

之后使用 ftell

发生的事情是 fgets 在读取数据时移动了文件位置指示器。这是因为fgets需要为下一次读取操作准备文件,否则你会卡在同一个位置,读取相同的数据。


address = -1
    if (address >= 0) {
        sscanf_s(string,"%s %lf %lf %lf", &name, sizeof name, &area, &length, &fF);

        if (area < minArea)
            minArea = area;
            minAreaAdd = address;
    address = ftell(cfPtr);
} while (ret = fgets(string, 100, cfPtr));