
Eigen: how to remove an initialised coefficient from a sparse Matrix

我正在写一个向后消除算法。在每次迭代中,我需要从 SparseMatrix 的列中消除一些系数并更新其他非零系数。

但是,将对系数的引用更改为零并不会释放它,因此非零系数的数量是相同的。如何删除引用?我尝试使用 makeCompressed() 无济于事,编译器不知道修剪。



#include <Eigen/SparseCore>
void nukeit(){
  Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> A(4, 3);
  cout << "non zeros of empty: " << A.nonZeros() << "\n" << endl;

  A.insert(0, 0) = 1;
  A.insert(2, 1) = 5;
  cout <<  "non zeros are two: " << A.nonZeros() << "\n" << endl;

  A.coeffRef(0, 0) = 0;
  cout <<  "non zeros should be one but it's 2: " << A.nonZeros() << "\n" << endl;

  cout <<  "However the matrix has only one non zero element\n" << A << endl;


non zeros of empty: 0

non zeros are two: 2

non zeros should be one but it's 2: 2

However the matrix has only one non zero element
0 0 0 
0 0 0 
0 5 0 
0 0 0 

将当前列的某些系数设置为零后,您可以通过调用A.prune(0.0)显式删除它们。参见各自的 doc.
