HoverIntent 敲除绑定

HoverIntent knockout binding

我有一个通过剔除数据绑定动态呈现的项目列表。我需要将 hoverIntent 事件与其绑定,而不是 mouseovermouseleave 事件。

<a data-bind="attr: { title: $data.Header, href: $root.GetUrl() }, event: { mouseover: function() { $root.showPopup($data.Id) }, mouseleave: function() { $root.hidePopup($data.Id) } }">
<span data-bind="html: $data.Header"></span> </a>


 self.showPopup = function(id) {

 self.hidePopup = function(id) {



HTML 查看:

<a data-bind="attr: { title: $data.Header, href: $root.GetUrl() }, 
   event: { mouseover: $root.showPopup, mouseleave: $root.hidePopup}">
<span data-bind="html: $data.Header"></span> </a>


self.showPopup = function(data) {

self.hidePopup = function(id) {

而且,更好的是,您可以使用直接管理弹出窗口的自定义绑定。 , and this. You'll propbably find other implementations if you google "popup ko custom binding". And here you have a perfect explanation of custom bindings,以防您必须自己实施。

自定义绑定是您应该做的。在这种情况下,围绕 $().hoverIntent 的简单包装就足够了。

ko.bindingHandlers.hoverIntent = {
    // note: if your hoverIntent options are not observable/ subject to change, 
    // you would be better off specifying this function as init, not update
    update: function(elem, value) {
        var options = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(value());
        if (typeof options === 'object') {
            for (var option in options)
                options[option] = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(options[option]);

上面的绑定启用了 hoverIntent parameter syntaxes 中的 2 个:.hoverIntent(handlerInOut).hoverIntent(optionsObject),例如:

 <a data-bind="hoverIntent: $root.togglePopup">handlerInOut param</a>
 <a data-bind="hoverIntent: { 
     over: $root.showPopup, 
     out: $root.hidePopup, 
     timeout: timeout }">optionsObject param</a>

a fiddle 中查看实际效果。