
What is Tag-matching interface?

听说PSM是一个支持标签匹配的库。 什么是标签匹配接口?为什么标签匹配对于 MPI 上下文中的性能很重要?

MPI 标签匹配的简短介绍:https://www.hpcwire.com/2006/08/18/a_critique_of_rdma-1/ 部分 "Matching"

MPI is a two-sided interface with a large matching space: a MPI Recv is associated with a MPI Send according to several criteria such as Sender, Tag, and Context, with the first two possibly ignored (wildcard). Matching is not necessarily in order and, worse, a MPI Send can be posted before the matching MPI Recv ... MPI requires 64 bits of matching information, and MX, Portals, and QsNet provide such a matching capability.

InfiniBand Verbs and other RDMA-based APIs do not support matching at all

因此,听起来 PSM 是包含与 Infiniband 式网络适配器的快速匹配的方法(第一个版本具有软件匹配,但有可能将部分匹配转移到硬件)。

我找不到 public PSM 文档(用户指南 http://storusint.com/pdf/qlogic/InfiniPath%20User%20Guide%202_0.pdf 中没有详细信息)。 但是有库的来源:https://github.com/01org/psm

PSM2 演示文稿中列出了一些详细信息https://www.openfabrics.org/images/eventpresos/2016presentations/304PSM2Features.pdf

What is PSM? Matched Queue (MQ) component

  • • Semantically matched to the needs of MPI using tag matching
  • • Provides calls for communication progress guarantees
  • • MQ completion semantics (standard vs. synchronized)


  • • Global tag matching API with 64-bit tags
  • • Scale up to 64K processes per job
  • • MQ APIs provide point-to-point message passing between endpoints
  • • e.g. psm_mq_send, psm_mq_irecv
  • • No “recvfrom” functionality – needed by some applications

所以,有 64 位标签。每条消息都有一个标签,Matched Queue 有标签(在一些标签匹配实现中也有标签掩码)。根据来源psm_mq_internal.h: mq_req_match() https://github.com/01org/psm/blob/67c0807c74e9d445900d5541358f0f575f22a630/psm_mq_internal.h#L381, PSM中有mask:

typedef struct psm_mq_req {
    /* Tag matching vars */
    uint64_t    tag;
    uint64_t    tagsel;     /* used for receives */
} psm_mq_req_t;

mq_req_match(struct mqsq *q, uint64_t tag, int remove)
    psm_mq_req_t *curp;
    psm_mq_req_t cur;

    for (curp = &q->first; (cur = *curp) != NULL; curp = &cur->next) {
      if (!((tag ^ cur->tag) & cur->tagsel)) { /* match! */
        if (remove) {
          if ((*curp = cur->next) == NULL) /* fix tail */
            q->lastp = curp;
          cur->next = NULL;
        return cur;

因此,匹配是指传入标签与接收的 tag 进行异或,发布到 MQ,结果与接收的 tagsel 相乘。如果在这些操作之后只有零位,则找到匹配项,否则处理下一个接收。

评论来自 psm_mq.hpsm_mq_irecv() 函数、https://github.com/01org/psm/blob/4abbc60ab02c51efee91575605b3430059f71ab8/psm_mq.h#L206

/* Post a receive to a Matched Queue with tag selection criteria
 * Function to receive a non-blocking MQ message by providing a preposted
 * buffer. For every MQ message received on a particular MQ, the tag and @c
 * tagsel parameters are used against the incoming message's send tag as
 * described in tagmatch.
 * [in] mq Matched Queue Handle
 * [in] rtag Receive tag
 * [in] rtagsel Receive tag selector
 * [in] flags Receive flags (None currently supported)
 * [in] buf Receive buffer 
 * [in] len Receive buffer length
 * [in] context User context pointer, available in psm_mq_status_t
 *                    upon completion
 * [out] req PSM MQ Request handle created by the preposted receive, to
 *                 be used for explicitly controlling message receive
 *                 completion.
 * [post] The supplied receive buffer is given to MQ to match against incoming
 *       messages unless it is cancelled via psm_mq_cancel @e before any
 *       match occurs.
 * The following error code is returned.  Other errors are handled by the PSM
 * error handler (psm_error_register_handler).
 * [retval] PSM_OK The receive buffer has successfully been posted to the MQ.
psm_mq_irecv(psm_mq_t mq, uint64_t rtag, uint64_t rtagsel, uint32_t flags,
         void *buf, uint32_t len, void *context, psm_mq_req_t *req);


 *     uint64_t tag = ( ((context_id & 0xffff) << 48) |
 *                      ((my_rank & 0xffff) << 32)    |
 *                      ((send_tag & 0xffffffff)) );

使用 tagsel 掩码我们可以同时编码 "match everything"、"match tags with some bytes or bits equal to value, and anything in other"、"match exactly".

有更新的 PSM2 API,也是开源的 - https://github.com/01org/opa-psm2, programmer's guide published at http://www.intel.com/content/dam/support/us/en/documents/network/omni-adptr/sb/Intel_PSM2_PG_H76473_v1_0.pdf

在PSM2中标签较长,定义了匹配规则(stag为"Message Send Tag"-消息中发送的标签值,rtag为接收请求的标签): https://www.openfabrics.org/images/eventpresos/2016presentations/304PSM2Features.pdf#page=7

Tag matching improvement

  • • Increased tag size to 96 bits
  • • Fundamentally ((stag ^ rtag) & rtagsel) == 0
  • • Supports wildcards such as MPI_ANY_SOURCE or MPI_ANY_TAG using zero bits in rtagsel
  • • Allows for practically unlimited scalability
  • • Up to 64M processes per job


 psm2_mq_tag { 
    union { 
        uint32_t tag[PSM_MQ_TAG_ELEMENTS] __attribute__((aligned(16))); 
        struct { 
            uint32_t tag0; 
            uint32_t tag1; 
            uint32_t tag2; 
} psm2_mq_tag_t;
  • • Application fills ‘tag’ array or ‘tag0/tag1/tag2’ and passes to PSM
  • • Both tag and tag mask use the same 96 bit tag type

实际上 psm2_mq_req 结构中的匹配变量附近有源对等地址:https://github.com/01org/opa-psm2/blob/master/psm_mq_internal.h#L180

   /* Tag matching vars */
   psm2_epaddr_t peer;
   psm2_mq_tag_t tag;
   psm2_mq_tag_t tagsel;    /* used for receives */

和软件列表扫描匹配,mq_list_scan()mq_req_match() https://github.com/01org/opa-psm2/blob/85c07c656198204c4056e1984779fde98b00ba39/psm_mq_recv.c#L188:

mq_list_scan(struct mqq *q, psm2_epaddr_t src, psm2_mq_tag_t *tag, int which, uint64_t *time_threshold)
    psm2_mq_req_t *curp, cur;

    for (curp = &q->first;
         ((cur = *curp) != NULL) && (cur->timestamp < *time_threshold);
         curp = &cur->next[which]) {
        if ((cur->peer == PSM2_MQ_ANY_ADDR || src == cur->peer) &&
            !((tag->tag[0] ^ cur->tag.tag[0]) & cur->tagsel.tag[0]) &&
            !((tag->tag[1] ^ cur->tag.tag[1]) & cur->tagsel.tag[1]) &&
            !((tag->tag[2] ^ cur->tag.tag[2]) & cur->tagsel.tag[2])) {
            *time_threshold = cur->timestamp;
            return cur;
    return NULL;