如何使用 youtube v3 API 知道视频的上传者?

How to know uploader of a video using youtube v3 API?

我想检索已上传视频的用户的姓名。我可以使用 this link 但视频的上传者来检索视频长度、标题、描述等信息。任何帮助将不胜感激。




{ "kind": "youtube#videoListResponse", "etag": "\"4FSIjSQU83ZJMYAO0IqRYMvZX98/2gSGwmuY674XAGNAXoSrDENmJPo\"", "pageInfo": { "totalResults": 1, "resultsPerPage": 1 }, "items": [ { "kind": "youtube#video", "etag": "\"4FSIjSQU83ZJMYAO0IqRYMvZX98/ai8sU-I-pLgfr5cd4lRv2KdntL4\"", "id": "j4ovbmsp6p0", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2014-07-11T11:41:11.000Z", "channelId": "UCF7OtvI5wVzb5Jl74nI3Mkg", "title": "Woohoo!! I daut it!! #idautit - Das Originale WhatsApp Video - #Idautit Idauit idaudit", "description": "Das Originale I daut it Video #idautit. Der Sommertrend, bekannt geworden durch das virale WhatsApp Video. #idautit", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/j4ovbmsp6p0/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/j4ovbmsp6p0/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/j4ovbmsp6p0/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/j4ovbmsp6p0/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/j4ovbmsp6p0/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "Idautit Official", "categoryId": "22", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": { "title": "Woohoo!! I daut it!! #idautit - Das Originale WhatsApp Video - #Idautit Idauit idaudit", "description": "Das Originale I daut it Video #idautit. Der Sommertrend, bekannt geworden durch das virale WhatsApp Video. #idautit" } } } ] }

上传用户始终是频道本身。因此,您只需要使用属性 "channelTitle" 或 "channelId" 进行进一步查找。



Whereas the v2 API provided a way for retrieving a user's profile, the v3 API provides a method for retrieving information about a channel. There are several differences between the two implementations: [...]