如何将 JSON 数据添加到 nvd3 图表

How to add JSON data to nvd3 charts

我是 Javascript 的新手,在我的代码中找不到错误。 我在这里使用 NVD3 图表。它是一个基于时间序列的图表,包含特定股票的日期和收盘价。数据范围从 2005 年至今。


var data= JSON.parse("Data.JSON")

nv.addGraph(function() {
 var chart = nv.models.lineChart()
              .margin({top: 70, right: 70, bottom: 70, left: 70})  
 //Chart x-axis settings
    .tickFormat(function(d) {return new Date((data.Date - (25567 + 1))*86400*1000);

chart.yAxis     //Chart y-axis settings

d3.select('#Charts svg')    //Selecting the <svg> element where i want to render the chart in.   
    .datum(data)         //Populating the <svg> element with chart data...
    .call(chart);          //Finally, rendering the chart!

//Update the chart when window resizes.



//数据 { "Date": [13089, 13094, 13095, 13096, 13097, 13098, 13101, 13103, 13104, 13105, 13108, 13109, 13110] "Close": [ 2419.1, 2461.6, 2492.7, 2489.1, 2500.7, 2548.7, 2558.7, 2582.8, 2603.9, 2620.1, 2602.5, 2572.8] }

与 "Date" 相比,"Close" 中的数组元素数量较少。


    nv.addGraph(function () {
    var chart = nv.models.lineChart();




    nv.utils.windowResize(function () {

    return chart;

function chartData() {
    var myData = {
        "Date": [13089, 13094, 13095, 13096, 13097, 13098, 13101, 13103, 13104, 13105, 13108, 13109, 13110],
        "Close": [2419.1, 2461.6, 2492.7, 2489.1, 2500.7, 2548.7, 2558.7, 2582.8, 2603.9, 2620.1, 2602.5, 2572.8, 2588.8]
        //The number of array elements in Close were less compared to Date. Hence added 2588.8 as the last element

    var result = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < myData.Date.length; i++) {
            x: myData.Date[i],
            y: myData.Close[i]

    return [{
        values: result,
        key: 'Date Chart',
        color: '#ff7f0e'

JS Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/m7oaxjue/3/