如何调试错误"The requested property 'current-activity' is not available"?

How to debug the error "The requested property 'current-activity' is not available"?

我的项目使用 IBM ClearCase 作为版本控制工具。我最近签入了一些文件,修改了它们,甚至签出了修改后的文件。


the property is not available locally: stream

 the property is not available locally: current-activity


I recently checked in some of the files, modified them and even checked out the modified files.


 the property is not available locally: current-activity


 The requested property 'current-activity' is not available

看到这个IBM technote:


  1. The information within the .Rational folder had become stale or corrupted.
  2. ClearQuest database connections require refreshing as they are no longer seen.
  3. View tag (as stored in the registry server) is no longer visible on the Change Management (CM) Server when performing an Cleartool lsview.
  4. This issue can also occur if the region used does not hold the right VOBs any longer. While trying to create new Views or change load rules the VOBs are missing. This happened due to a changed region map file.

因此这取决于您的 OS、ClearCase 版本、是否与 clearquest 集成。