不允许 PowerShell Split-Job 空管道元素

PowerShell Split-Job empty pipe element not allowed

我真的很想使用函数 Split-Job 来限制或 运行 并行执行相同的脚本块,这样速度会更快。当我需要在不同的输入上多次启动相同的复制命令时,这尤其有用。

可以找到代码 here 并且总是吐出以下错误:

An empty pipe element is not allowed.
    + CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : EmptyPipeElement


function Init ($InputQueue){
    # Create the shared thread-safe queue and fill it with the input objects
    $Queue = [Collections.Queue]::Synchronized([Collections.Queue]@($InputQueue))
    $QueueLength = $Queue.Count
    # Do not create more runspaces than input objects
    if ($MaxPipelines -gt $QueueLength) {$MaxPipelines = $QueueLength}
    # Create the script to be run by each runspace
    $Script  = "Set-Location '$PWD'; "
    $Script += {
        $SplitJobQueue = $($Input)
        & {
            trap {continue}
            while ($SplitJobQueue.Count) {$SplitJobQueue.Dequeue()}
        } |
    }.ToString() + $Scriptblock

    # Create an array to keep track of the set of pipelines
    $Pipelines = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

    # Collect the functions and aliases to import
    $ImportItems = ($Function -replace '^','Function:') +
        ($Alias -replace '^','Alias:') |
        Get-Item | select PSPath, Definition
    $stopwatch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch



$Script += {
        $SplitJobQueue = $($Input)
        & {
            trap {continue}
            while ($SplitJobQueue.Count) {$SplitJobQueue.Dequeue()}
        } |
    }.ToString() + $Scriptblock
