Perl 将 SIGINT 转发给分叉的子进程

Perl forward SIGINT to forked child process

所以我正在尝试创建一个 Perl 程序,该程序分叉一个工作程序并等待它完成。在我的真实用例中,我需要 fork 很多 worker 并等待他们全部,所以我想我会用一个 worker 来尝试一个测试用例。我在这里担心的是,当我在终端中 运行 这个程序时,发送 ^C 不会杀死父进程,即使信号处理程序看起来应该获取子进程并导致父进程正常退出。我正在尝试使用 waitpid 让父进程保持活动状态,以便它可以接收信号并将它们传递给子进程,但父进程似乎完全忽略了 ^C

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";

my $cpid;

sub reap_children_and_exit {
    defined $cpid and kill 'HUP', $cpid;
    exit 0;

$SIG{INT} = \&reap_children_and_exit;

my $child_text = <<'EOF';
perl -e 'while (1) { printf "%s\n", rand() }'

$cpid = fork;
if ($cpid == 0) {

waitpid($cpid, WNOHANG);

I am trying to use waitpid to keep the parent alive

您立即告诉 waitpid 给 return。将 WNOHANG 更改为 0

如果不需要全部自己实现,可以使用模块,我推荐: 该模块为您轻松包装了所有 worker/children 创建和管理,此外,它还节省了内存使用量。



use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use feature 'say';
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";

    sub reap_children_and_exit {
        my $signame = shift;
        my $pid = shift;
        defined $pid and kill $signame, $pid;
        say "$pid => Received '$signame' !";
        exit 0;
    $SIG{INT} = \&reap_children_and_exit;

my %children;

$SIG{CHLD} = sub {
    # don't change $! and $? outside handler
    local ($!, $?);
    while ( (my $pid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG)) > 0 ) {
        delete $children{$pid};
        reap_children_and_exit('HUP', $pid);

my $child_text = <<'EOF';
perl -e 'while (1) { printf "%s\n", rand(); sleep 1; }'

while (1) {
    my $pid = fork();
    die "Cannot fork" unless defined $pid;
    say "I'm the PID $pid";
    if ($pid == 0) {
        say q{I'm the parent};
        exit 0;
    } else {
        $children{$pid} = 1;

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