ASP.Net MVC 中仅允许匿名的属性

Attribute for only allow anonymous in ASP.Net MVC

我知道当用户必须被授权时有一个属性。您也可以在其上方放置 [AllowAnonymous]。另请参阅下面的代码:

[Authorize] // only when the user is authorize
public class AccountController : Controller
    [AllowAnonymous] // also when the user in not authorize.
    public ActionResult Login(string returnUrl = "")
    { /* Some code */ }

    public async Task<ActionResult> Login(LoginViewModel model, string returnUrl)
    { /* Some code */ }

但是 allow anonymous only 还有一个属性吗?例如:登录页面仅在用户 未授权?



public class AnonymousOnly : AuthorizeAttribute
    public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
        if (filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
             // Do what you want to do here, e.g. show a 404 or redirect

然后用这个新属性装饰你的 class/method:

public ActionResult Login(string returnUrl = "")
    // code