
Defining an anchor name within my preference pane

我想启用 AppleScript 以显示我正在开发的自定义首选项窗格中的特定选项卡,这样就可以了:

tell application "System Preferences" 
  reveal anchor "Foo" of pane id "com.example.preferences.Bar"
end tell

我无法在任何地方找到我的首选项窗格如何声明或指定 "Foo" 锚点或将其与任何特定选项卡视图项目相关联。

首先,您必须确保您搜索的是锚点,而不是其他类型的对象。 然后使用下面的脚本获取每个锚点名称:(在此示例中,获取声音首选项的锚点将给出 "output"、"input"、..)

tell application "System Preferences"
set current pane to pane id "com.apple.preference.sound"
get the name of every anchor of current pane
end tell

对于任何遇到这个问题而感到沮丧的人,我在这里记录了能够为您的自定义设置锚点的步骤 NSPreferencePane


Google GPGPreferences.searchTerms dictionary revealElementForKey for some clues… (AFAIK this isn't documented anywhere…)

我第一次遇到这个问题时忽略了这个评论,第二次我查看了 GPGPreferences.m 文件,更具体地说是 revealElementForKey 方法,但无法弄清楚该函数是如何工作的实际上被调用了。


当我终于找到这篇文章时才意识到这一点 SearchablePreferencePanes


  1. NSPrefPaneSearchParameters 键添加到您的首选项窗格包的 Info.plist 中,其值类似于 MyPreferencePane.
  2. 在您的 Xcode 项目中创建一个名为 MyPreferencePane.searchTerms 的文件。该文件的内容应该是一个 属性 列表,其中包含一个类似于下面的字典(取自 Sound 首选项窗格)。这不仅允许用户在搜索指定术语时获得您的首选项窗格的命中,而且还将生成首选项窗格的锚点
  3. 在继承自 NSPreferencePane 的 class 中实现 revealElementForKey(key: String) 方法。当用户在搜索术语后打开窗格时以及调用 ScriptingBridge 锚 class.
  4. reveal() 方法时都会调用此方法
  5. 轰!


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
                <string>Localizable index words</string>
                <string>noises, audio, hear, level, volume, louder, softer, quieter, increase, decrease, raise, lower, speaker, beep, warning, bell, ding, ring, hearing, beeping, dinging, ringing</string>
                <string>Alerts and sound effects</string>
                <string>Localizable index words</string>
                <string>audio, hear, level, volume, louder, softer, quieter, increase, decrease, raise, lower, music, speakers, hearing</string>
                <string>Sound volume</string>
                <string>Localizable index words</string>
                <string>audio, hear, level, volume, louder, softer, quieter, increase, decrease, raise, lower, quiet, silent, silence, turn off, hearing, muting</string>
                <string>Mute the sound</string>
                <string>Localizable index words</string>
                <string>Show volume in menu bar</string>
                <string>Localizable index words</string>
                <string>audio, hear, level, volume, louder, softer, quieter, increase, decrease, raise, lower, devices, sources, microphones, instruments, MIDI, record, line in, hearing, recording</string>
                <string>Sound input</string>
                <string>Localizable index words</string>
                <string>devices, headphones, headsets, speakers, hear, balance, hearing, head phones, head sets</string>
                <string>Sound output</string>
                <string>Localizable index words</string>
                <string>airplay, speakers</string>
                <string>AirPlay audio streaming</string>