
Can I override a virtual function with a pure virtual one?

我有三个 类:BDGDBGDBD 都是抽象的。 B 来自第三方。

B 有一个 G 需要实现的非纯虚方法(成为 D)。我可以 redefine/override 一个虚函数是纯虚的吗?


class B // from a third party
   virtual void foo();

class D : public B
   void foo() override = 0; // allowed by gcc 4.8.2
   virtual void bar() = 0;

class G : public D
   // forgot to reimplement foo
   void bar() override;

int main()
   G test;  // compiler error is desired

关于 "can I?" 的问题,gcc 允许它,但我没有 terms/vocabulary 来验证该行为是标准的一部分还是未定义并且今天碰巧有效。


prog.cc:23:6: error: variable type 'G' is an abstract class
   G test;  // compiler error is desired
prog.cc:10:9: note: unimplemented pure virtual method 'foo' in 'G'
   void foo() override = 0; // allowed by gcc 4.8.2
1 error generated.


11 A virtual function declared in a class shall be defined, or declared pure (10.4) in that class, or both; but no diagnostic is required (3.2).


Can I override a virtual function with a pure virtual one?

答案是:可以。来自 C++11 标准:

10.4 Abstract classes

5 [ Note: An abstract class can be derived from a class that is not abstract, and a pure virtual function may override a virtual function which is not pure. —end note ]