
Kotlin: Superclass is not accessible from trait

在 Kotlin 中,给定一些 class:

public open class A {
    open fun sayHi() = "hi"

还有一个特征 T 需要 subclasses 来扩展 A :

public trait T : A {
    override fun sayHi() = super.sayHi() + " John"

人们会期望 T.sayHi 能够调用 super.sayHi() 或更明确的 super<A>.sayHi(),因为所有类型信息都在那里,但它会产生 Superclass is not accessible from trait .


[如何]我可以从 trait 中覆盖某些方法?



public trait T : A {
    fun another() = sayHi() + " John"

但我确实希望我的特质能够 "intercept / be in the middle"。


正如@Salomon 在他的评论中指出的那样,此功能将在较新版本的 Kotin 中删除,使此问题不再有效。

Required Classes

Some of you might have heard of this feature: traits in Kotlin can “extend” classes (we actually use the term “require”).

Technically it means that when a class extends such a trait, it must (directly or indirectly) extend the required class as well. This feature has very few use cases, so we are deprecating it.
