如何用新的 ISerializable class 替换旧版 class

How to replace a legacy class with a new ISerializable class

我们有一个遗产 class A,它是 [Serializable],但不是 ISerializable。 由于各种原因,必须修补此 class 以实现 ISerializable。

问题是我们仍然需要能够加载旧的保存文件,这些文件使用 .NET 的默认实现来序列化 class A。 换句话说,当加载旧的存档文件时,class A 必须像旧版本一样反序列化,然后转换为新版本的 class A,这样在保存时同样,我们使用了 ISerializable 的新实现。

在不破坏向后兼容性的情况下修补 class A 的最合适方法是什么?

解决方案 1


// AssemblyInfo.cs:
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]


// The legacy savegame data. Keep it as it is.
public class Savegame
    // ... the legacy fields

// The new savegame data. This implements ISerializable
public class SavegameNew : Savegame, ISerializable
    // this constructor will execute on deserialization. You will deserialize
    // both the legacy and new types here.
    private SavegameNew(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
        foreach (SerializationEntry entry in info)
            // you can iterate the serialized elements like this
            // if this is a new format you will get the new elements, too

    public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
        // custom serialization of the new type

现在您需要一个将旧格式映射到新格式的活页夹 class:

internal class SavegameBinder : SerializationBinder
    public override Type BindToType(string assemblyName, string typeName)
        // Of course, use the assembly version of the old version here.
        // You don't even need to change the assembly version, though than can lead to ambiguity
        AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName(assemblyName);
        if (asmName.Version == new Version(1, 0, 0, 0) && typeName == typeof(Savegame).FullName)
            return typeof(SavegameNew);

        // otherwise we do not change the mapping
        return null;


// the saveStream can contain either the old other the new format
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter() { Binder = new SavegameBinder() };
SavegameNew data = (SavegameNew)bf.Deserialize(saveStream);

解决方案 2

使用此解决方案,您无需将 Savegame 映射到 SavegameNew。如果不更改程序集版本,您甚至不需要活页夹 class.

如果更改程序集版本,SavegameBinder 应该 return 新程序集的 Savegame 类型。遗留 Savegame 应该实现 IObjectReference 接口,所以一旦它被反序列化,它就可以 return 一个 SavegameNew 实例。

// The legacy savegame data
public class Savegame: IObjectReference
    // ... the legacy fields

    public object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context)
        return new SavegameNew(...);