无法在 where 子句中使用的排名别名
Alias to rank not able to use in where clause
create table tab1(sno int, name varchar(30), age int);
insert into tab1 values(1, 'abc1', 22);
insert into tab1 values(2, 'abc2', 23);
insert into tab1 values(3, 'xyz', 28);
insert into tab1 values(4, 'abc3', 26);
insert into tab1 values(5, 'abc4', 25);
select sno, name, age, rank() over (order by sno) as ranking from tab1 where
ranking = trunc((select count(*)/2 from tab1)) + 1; //This query is giving error
错误是 ORA-00904:"RANKING":标识符无效
你的问题是感谢你在 select
中定义了一个别名,然后你想按它来过滤。您需要使用 CTE 或子查询:
with cte as (
select sno, name, age, rank() over (order by sno) as ranking
from tab1
select cte.*
from cte
where cte.ranking = trunc((select count(*)/2 from tab1)) + 1;
您似乎想计算中值。我绝对不会为此目的推荐 rank()
,因为它处理平局的方式。更好的选择是 row_number()
with cte as (
select sno, name, age, row_number() over (order by sno) as ranking,
count(*) over () as cnt
from tab1
select cte.*
from cte
where 2*cte.ranking in (cnt, cnt + 1)
您可能还对 MEDIAN()
您正在尝试根据完成所有过滤后计算出的值来过滤 select 的结果。你需要把它改成这样:
select * from (
select sno, name, age, rank() over (order by sno) as ranking from tab1
) where ranking = trunc((select count(*)/2 from tab1)) + 1;
create table tab1(sno int, name varchar(30), age int);
insert into tab1 values(1, 'abc1', 22);
insert into tab1 values(2, 'abc2', 23);
insert into tab1 values(3, 'xyz', 28);
insert into tab1 values(4, 'abc3', 26);
insert into tab1 values(5, 'abc4', 25);
select sno, name, age, rank() over (order by sno) as ranking from tab1 where
ranking = trunc((select count(*)/2 from tab1)) + 1; //This query is giving error
错误是 ORA-00904:"RANKING":标识符无效
你的问题是感谢你在 select
中定义了一个别名,然后你想按它来过滤。您需要使用 CTE 或子查询:
with cte as (
select sno, name, age, rank() over (order by sno) as ranking
from tab1
select cte.*
from cte
where cte.ranking = trunc((select count(*)/2 from tab1)) + 1;
您似乎想计算中值。我绝对不会为此目的推荐 rank()
,因为它处理平局的方式。更好的选择是 row_number()
with cte as (
select sno, name, age, row_number() over (order by sno) as ranking,
count(*) over () as cnt
from tab1
select cte.*
from cte
where 2*cte.ranking in (cnt, cnt + 1)
您可能还对 MEDIAN()
您正在尝试根据完成所有过滤后计算出的值来过滤 select 的结果。你需要把它改成这样:
select * from (
select sno, name, age, rank() over (order by sno) as ranking from tab1
) where ranking = trunc((select count(*)/2 from tab1)) + 1;