可变 opIndex 覆盖

Variadic opIndex Override

按照我之前的 ,我现在无法使用可变参数覆盖 opIndex。我尝试了多种方法(甚至是 hack-ish 方法)但无济于事。


static string array_decl(D...)(string identifier, D dimensions)
    static if(dimensions.length == 0)
        return identifier;
        return array_decl(identifier  ~ "[" ~ to!(string)(dimensions[0]) ~ "]", dimensions[1..$]);

我的 opIndex 覆盖是什么样的:

T opIndex(D...)(D indices)
    mixin("return " ~ array_decl("Data", indices) ~ ";");


./inheritance.d(81): Error: tuple D is used as a type
./inheritance.d(89): Error: template instance inheritance.array_ident!(int, int, int).array_ident.array_ident!(_param_2, _param_3) error instantiating
./inheritance.d(112):        instantiated from here: array_ident!(int, int, int)
./inheritance.d(174):        instantiated from here: opIndex!(int, int, int)
./inheritance.d(112): Error: CTFE failed because of previous errors in array_ident
./inheritance.d(112): Error: argument to mixin must be a string, not ("return " ~ array_ident("Data", _param_0, _param_1, _param_2) ~ ";") of type string

问题是如何(或是否可能)针对这种情况实施 opIndex 运算符。

我认为 mixins 是可行的方法,因为我只需要生成一个格式为:

type[index0][index1]...[indexN] Data

用于 opIndex 重载。

显然这是不可能的,因为传递给 opIndex 的元组在编译时不可访问。我提出的一些解决方案(根据 Adam D. Ruppe 的建议):

1。 硬编码数组访问


T opIndex(D...)(D indices)
    static if(indices.length == 1)
        return Data[indices[0]];

    static if(indices.length == 2)
        return Data[indices[0]][indices[1]];

    static if(indices.length == 3)
        return Data[indices[0]][indices[1]][indices[2]];

    static if(indices.length == 4)
        return Data[indices[0]][indices[1]][indices[2]][indices[3]];

2。 指针


能够在 运行 时访问模板参数:

struct Vector_MultiDim(T, D...)
    enum dimensions = [D];
    static const size_t DimCount = D.length;

    ... Other members here

计算偏移量的函数(每个维度的大小必须在 运行 时已知):

size_t GetIndex(size_t[] indices)
    size_t index;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < DimCount; i++)
        size_t factor = 1;

        for(size_t j = i + 1; j < DimCount; j++)
            factor *= dimensions[j];

        index += indices[i] * factor;

    return index;

opIndex 覆盖:

T opIndex(D...)(D indices)
    T* arr = cast(T*)Data;
    return arr[GetIndex([indices])];